Guinea PigsCavia porcellus - raised for food.Piscacuchu, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0004Larry L. Jackson
HorsesPack horses used sparingly on the trail.Piscacuchu, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0006Larry L. Jackson
Mother & ChildPiscacuchu, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0008Larry L. Jackson
Urubamba RiverOur starting place for the 4 day hike to Machu Picchu.Km 82, Piscacuchu, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0011Larry L. Jackson
Urubamba RiverApproaching the permit checkpoint and trail entrance.Km 82, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0013Larry L. Jackson