Guinea PigsCavia porcellus - raised for food.Piscacuchu, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0004Larry L. Jackson
HorsesPack horses used sparingly on the trail.Piscacuchu, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0006Larry L. Jackson
Mother & ChildPiscacuchu, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0008Larry L. Jackson
Urubamba RiverOur starting place for the 4 day hike to Machu Picchu.Km 82, Piscacuchu, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0011Larry L. Jackson
Urubamba RiverApproaching the permit checkpoint and trail entrance.Km 82, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0013Larry L. Jackson
Permit Check PointKm 82, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0014Larry L. Jackson
DownstreamAs we crossed the bridge to start our first day of the hike.Urubamba River, Km 82, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0016Larry L. Jackson
PortersThese young, strong, local guys carried our sleeping bags, clothes, toiletries as well as the tents, chairs, portable kitchen and food. Without them, the hike would be a much, much harder experience.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0018Larry L. Jackson
Wild DaggaLeonotis leonurus - native to Africa, this plant is now introduced widely.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0020Larry L. Jackson
Q'anabambaThe first Inca ruins of the four day hike.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0022Larry L. Jackson
'Nujchu'Salvia oppositiflora - I note the local name where I could find one.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0024Larry L. Jackson
Cactus FlowerCorryocactus squarrosusInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0030Larry L. Jackson
CactusOur four day hike started in high desert.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0031Larry L. Jackson
BromeliadsTillandsia paleacea - the first of many types of bromeliads seen on the trail.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0032Larry L. Jackson
Rest StopAfter an hour and a half of gradual uphill hiking, a bit of a rest and chance to adjust clothing.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0035Larry L. Jackson
Small WaterfallInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0036Larry L. Jackson
Foot BridgeParts of the first day trail are like this.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0037Larry L. Jackson
TrailLooking back at part of our trail covered so far.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0039Larry L. Jackson
Patallaqta or Q'entimarkaA very large Inca community.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0041Larry L. Jackson
PatawasiInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0046Larry L. Jackson
Puma TrapInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0047Larry L. Jackson
BromeliadAechmea speciesInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0050Larry L. Jackson
Unknown OrchidGrowing on a moss covered rock.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0052Larry L. Jackson
StreamInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0054Larry L. Jackson
'Winay Wayna' (Orchid)Epidendrum secundumInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0058Larry L. Jackson
Veronica Mountain19,188 feet.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0068Larry L. Jackson
StreamInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0069Larry L. Jackson
'Zapatitos'Calceolaria aff cypripediifloraInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0071Larry L. Jackson
Bridge & StreamInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0073Larry L. Jackson
Trail VendorsEntrepreneurs hoping to make some sales near the end of the first day hike.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0076Larry L. Jackson
Huayllabamba CampsiteOur first campsite at 9,756 feet.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0078Larry L. Jackson
Huayllabamba CampsitePorters breaking down the camp to move ahead to the next site.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0079Larry L. Jackson
9,756 feet, Looking BackInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0082Larry L. Jackson
Golden Cyrtochilum (Orchid)Cyrtochilum aureumLlullucha Gorge, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0086Larry L. Jackson
TrailHeading uphill, pretty much all day.Llullucha Gorge, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0088Larry L. Jackson
Unca ForestThe gorge was a more moist environment.Llullucha Gorge, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0089Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerLlullucha Gorge, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0091Larry L. Jackson
Steep TrailLlullucha Gorge, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0092Larry L. Jackson
Burr MarigoldBidens andicolaLlullucha Gorge, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0094Larry L. Jackson
Andes PeaksInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0095Larry L. Jackson
DandelionTaraxacum species - best guess.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0096Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerI was really surprised that I found no photos of this flowering plant.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0099Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerA large shrub or small tree.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0100Larry L. Jackson
Deer's AntlersHalenia weddellianaLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0107Larry L. Jackson
Spiral SorrelOxalis spiralisLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0111Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FernLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0112Larry L. Jackson
'Maicillo'Solenomelus chilensisLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0113Larry L. Jackson
'Maicillo'Solenomelus chilensisLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0114Larry L. Jackson
'Maicillo'Solenomelus chilensisLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0119Larry L. Jackson
HornwortCerastium species - best guess.Llulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0115Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerPoor quality photo for record.Llulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0117Larry L. Jackson
'Achupalla'Puya speciesLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0122Larry L. Jackson
Looking BackWe have hiked out of the forest to the tree-less, grass-covered mountains.Llulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0123Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0124Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerRecord photo.Llulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0125Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0126Larry L. Jackson
Cloud DaisyWerneria nubigenaLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0127Larry L. Jackson
PereziaPerezia recurvataLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0129Larry L. Jackson
Greater BurnetAcaena magellanicaLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0131Larry L. Jackson
Looking BackUphill.Llulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0132Larry L. Jackson
13,828 foot Warmiwanuska PassThe pass is the mountain saddle in the distance.Llulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0134Larry L. Jackson
13,828 foot Warmiwanuska PassZoomed view of the pass.Llulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0135Larry L. Jackson
PereziaPerezia pedicularidifoliaLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0136Larry L. Jackson
Cloud DaisyWerneria nubigenaLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0137Larry L. Jackson
PaintbrushCastilleja fissifoliaLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0138Larry L. Jackson
Terrestrial OrchidPterichis silvestrisLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0141Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0142Larry L. Jackson
Looking BackWe tried to step aside for the porters who were carrying the big loads.Llulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0144Larry L. Jackson
'Achupalla'Puya speciesLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0146Larry L. Jackson
Spiral SorrelOxalis spiralisLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0147Larry L. Jackson
Burr MarigoldBidens andicolaLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0148Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerLlulluchapampa, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0151Larry L. Jackson
13,828 foot, Warmiwanuska PassThe highest point in our four day hike.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0154Larry L. Jackson
Most of GroupCelebrating the end of a steep hike.Warmiwanuska Pass, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0156Larry L. Jackson
Senecio comosusNo common name that I can find.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0160Larry L. Jackson
Senecio comosusInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0162Larry L. Jackson
TrickleFrom melting snow higher in the mountains.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0163Larry L. Jackson
BluebonnetLupinus speciesInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0165Larry L. Jackson
Senecio comosusInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0166Larry L. Jackson
Debbie descending to Pacaymayo ValleyDescending into the cooler valley of camp 2.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0167Larry L. Jackson
Seed HeadsInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0168Larry L. Jackson
PereziaPerezia multifloraInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0169Larry L. Jackson
StreamInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0170Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0171Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0172Larry L. Jackson
Porter with StoveThe porters carried the stove, gas bottles, food, tents and our small bags.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0173Larry L. Jackson
PorterCarrying tent poles and more.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0175Larry L. Jackson
PereziaPerezia pungensInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0176Larry L. Jackson
Debbie descending to Pacaymayo ValleyInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0178Larry L. Jackson
'Achupalla'Puya speciesPacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0179Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerI see flowers with a similar structure on the web, but not this coloration.Pacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0181Larry L. Jackson
Andean PotatoSolanum juzepczukiiPacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0182Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerPacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0187Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerPacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0190Larry L. Jackson
Pacaymayo ValleyClouds in the valley.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0191Larry L. Jackson
Unknown PlantPacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0193Larry L. Jackson
Pacaymayo ValleyMore clouds in the valley.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0194Larry L. Jackson
WaterfallThe source is a large snow field in the mountains above.Pacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0195Larry L. Jackson
WaterfallPacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0197Larry L. Jackson
Pacaymayo ValleyDescending into the clouds.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0199Larry L. Jackson
Campsite Night 2The porters arrived well ahead of us and set up the camp, seen below the trail coming in.Pacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0200Larry L. Jackson
CycadPacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0203Larry L. Jackson
WaterfallNext to the campground and the source of ice cold water in the bathroom.Pacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0205Larry L. Jackson
Foot BridgePacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0206Larry L. Jackson
UnknownPacaymayo Valley, Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 23, 20072007-05-23#0209Larry L. Jackson