Guinea PigsCavia porcellus - raised for food.Piscacuchu, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0004Larry L. Jackson
HorsesPack horses used sparingly on the trail.Piscacuchu, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0006Larry L. Jackson
Mother & ChildPiscacuchu, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0008Larry L. Jackson
Urubamba RiverOur starting place for the 4 day hike to Machu Picchu.Km 82, Piscacuchu, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0011Larry L. Jackson
Urubamba RiverApproaching the permit checkpoint and trail entrance.Km 82, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0013Larry L. Jackson
Permit Check PointKm 82, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0014Larry L. Jackson
DownstreamAs we crossed the bridge to start our first day of the hike.Urubamba River, Km 82, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0016Larry L. Jackson
PortersThese young, strong, local guys carried our sleeping bags, clothes, toiletries as well as the tents, chairs, portable kitchen and food. Without them, the hike would be a much, much harder experience.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0018Larry L. Jackson
Wild DaggaLeonotis leonurus - native to Africa, this plant is now introduced widely.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0020Larry L. Jackson
Q'anabambaThe first Inca ruins of the four day hike.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0022Larry L. Jackson
'Nujchu'Salvia oppositiflora - I note the local name where I could find one.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0024Larry L. Jackson
Cactus FlowerCorryocactus squarrosusInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0030Larry L. Jackson
CactusOur four day hike started in high desert.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0031Larry L. Jackson
BromeliadsTillandsia paleacea - the first of many types of bromeliads seen on the trail.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0032Larry L. Jackson
Rest StopAfter an hour and a half of gradual uphill hiking, a bit of a rest and chance to adjust clothing.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0035Larry L. Jackson
Small WaterfallInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0036Larry L. Jackson
Foot BridgeParts of the first day trail are like this.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0037Larry L. Jackson
TrailLooking back at part of our trail covered so far.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0039Larry L. Jackson
Patallaqta or Q'entimarkaA very large Inca community.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0041Larry L. Jackson
PatawasiInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0046Larry L. Jackson
Puma TrapInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0047Larry L. Jackson
BromeliadAechmea speciesInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0050Larry L. Jackson
Unknown OrchidGrowing on a moss covered rock.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0052Larry L. Jackson
StreamInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0054Larry L. Jackson
'Winay Wayna' (Orchid)Epidendrum secundumInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0058Larry L. Jackson
Veronica Mountain19,188 feet.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0068Larry L. Jackson
StreamInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0069Larry L. Jackson
'Zapatitos'Calceolaria aff cypripediifloraInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0071Larry L. Jackson
Bridge & StreamInca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0073Larry L. Jackson
Trail VendorsEntrepreneurs hoping to make some sales near the end of the first day hike.Inca Trail, Sacred Valley, Peru, May 22, 20072007-05-22#0076Larry L. Jackson