Unknown FlowerPululahua Reserve, Ecuador, March 12, 20092009-03-12#0004Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerPululahua Reserve, Ecuador, March 12, 20092009-03-12#0005Larry L. Jackson
Columbian Blue Ivy SageSalvia scutellarioidesPululahua Reserve, Ecuador, March 12, 20092009-03-12#0007Larry L. Jackson
Banana Passion FlowerPassiflora mollisimaPululahua Reserve, Ecuador, March 12, 20092009-03-12#0008Larry L. Jackson
Trailing LantanaLantana montevidensisPululahua Reserve, Ecuador, March 12, 20092009-03-12#0009Larry L. Jackson
Debbie and Cable BasketOur ride across the valley into the reserve.Mindo Reserve, Ecuador, March 12, 20092009-03-12#0010Larry L. Jackson
Cable Basket Engine4 cylinder automobile engine and transmission used to power the cable car.Mindo Reserve, Ecuador, March 12, 20092009-03-12#0011Larry L. Jackson
Cable Basket ViewCloud Forest.Mindo Reserve, Ecuador, March 12, 20092009-03-12#0015Larry L. Jackson
Emerging LeafPhilodendron verrucosumMindo Reserve, Ecuador, March 12, 20092009-03-12#0018Larry L. Jackson
TrailWe should have realized that the trail was hard when our guide didn't come along.Mindo Reserve, Ecuador, March 12, 20092009-03-12#0019Larry L. Jackson
Fern LeavesMindo Reserve, Ecuador, March 12, 20092009-03-12#0020Larry L. Jackson
Nambillo FallsMindo Reserve, Ecuador, March 12, 20092009-03-12#0022Larry L. Jackson