Tiny CarrotThis was what the guide called the plant, but I can't find any id for the record photo.Black Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0074Larry L. Jackson
Large-flowered Mat DaisyRaoulia grandifloraBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0075Larry L. Jackson
Vegetable SheepHaastia pulvinarisBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0076Larry L. Jackson
KorikoriRanunculus insignisBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0080Larry L. Jackson
Vegetable SheepHaastia pulvinaris & Raoulia mammillaris - two plants that use the same common name.Black Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0081Larry L. Jackson
Vegetable SheepRaoulia mammillarisBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0082Larry L. Jackson
LJax & KorikoriRanunculus insignis - sitting next to the plant in some of my Antarctica clothing.Black Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0083Larry L. Jackson
Lynn, Joel, Phyllis, Kirilee, LJax & GeoffOur little group and the two guides, Kirilee & Geoff.Black Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 200612-21-06#0084Larry L. Jackson
Golden SpaniardAciphylla aureaBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0086Larry L. Jackson
Mountain DaisyCelmisia spectabilisBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0093Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0095Larry L. Jackson
Mallard female & ducklingsAnas platyrhynchosNelson Lakes National Park, South Island, New Zealand, December 22, 20062006-12-22#0001Larry L. Jackson