Dusky DolphinsLagenorhynchus obscurus - a deep area close to shore makes for plentiful fish for these resident dolphins.Kaikoura, South Island, New Zealand, December 20, 20062006-12-20#0071Larry L. Jackson
Dusky DolphinsLagenorhynchus obscurusKaikoura, South Island, New Zealand, December 20, 20062006-12-20#0078Larry L. Jackson
Dusky DolphinsLagenorhynchus obscurusKaikoura, South Island, New Zealand, December 20, 20062006-12-20#0080Larry L. Jackson
Dusky DolphinsLagenorhynchus obscurus - just some of a very large number of dolphins.Kaikoura, South Island, New Zealand, December 20, 20062006-12-20#0095Larry L. Jackson
Dusky DolphinsLagenorhynchus obscurus - lack of experience with action photos makes these mostly record photos of these very active dolphins.Kaikoura, South Island, New Zealand, December 20, 20062006-12-20#0102Larry L. Jackson