Awatere ValleyBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-0521#08Larry L. Jackson
Small-leaved CranesbillGeranium microphyllum - the large fuzzy leaves are a different plant.Black Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0059Larry L. Jackson
Black Birch MountainStill quite a way from the peak, barely seen on the left.South Island, New Zealand, December 21, 20062006-12-21#0060Larry L. Jackson
Old Man's BeardUsnea xanthophanaBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0062Larry L. Jackson
Anemone StinkhornAseroe rubra - old flower with a lot of dead bugs in the cup.Black Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0063Larry L. Jackson
LichensStereocaulon ramulosum & Usnea species - best guess id for these lichens.Black Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0064Larry L. Jackson
Korikori & Vegetable SheepRanunculus insignis & Haastia pulvinarisBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0066Larry L. Jackson
White Cushion DaisyCelmisia sessilifloraBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0067Larry L. Jackson
Black Mountain RingletPercnodaimon merula - record photo of butterfly with one damaged wing.Black Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0069Larry L. Jackson
Mountain VioletViola cunninghamiiBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0070Larry L. Jackson
Richmond RangeIt was windy and cold at the top of the mountain.Black Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0072Larry L. Jackson
Snow HebeChionohebe pulvinarisBlack Birch Mountain, South Island, New Zealand, December 21. 20062006-12-21#0073Larry L. Jackson