Strawberry Poison-dart FrogOophaga pumilio - really small, but after rain pretty active.Selva Verde Lodge, Sarapiqui, Costa Rica, April 27, 20212021-04-27#9024Larry L. Jackson
Common Basilisk maleBasiliscus basiliscus - tautonym.Selva Verde Lodge, Sarapiqui, Costa Rica, April 27, 20212021-04-27#9038Larry L. Jackson
Helmeted BasiliskCorytophanes cristatus ISO 6,400Cope's Place, Guapiles, Costa Rica, April 27, 20212021-04-27#0896Larry L. Jackson
Ghost Glass FrogSachatamia ilex - spectacular little frog.Cope's Place, Guapiles, Costa Rica, April 27, 20212021-04-27#9184Larry L. Jackson
Red-eyed Tree Frog, nightAgalychnis callidryas - males were calling for a mate.Selva Verde Lodge, Sarapiqui, Costa Rica, April 27, 20212021-04-27#9210Larry L. Jackson
Orange Nectar BatLonchophylla robusta - our guide, Mark, had an elaborate setup for this type of photo.Night Bats, Rancho Naturalista, Turrialba, Costa Rica, April 28, 20212021-04-28#9372Larry L. Jackson
Crimson-collared TanagerRamphocelus sanguinolentusRancho Naturalista, Turrialba, Costa Rica, April 29, 20212021-04-29#0192Larry L. Jackson
Green-breasted Mango maleAnthracothorax prevostii - Mark set up 4 stands, three strobes, background and provided wireless triggers so that we could get this type of photo.Rancho Naturalista, Turrialba, Costa Rica, April 29, 20212021-04-29#1492Larry L. Jackson
OrchidBrassia verrucosaRancho Naturalista, Turrialba, Costa Rica, April 30, 20212021-04-30#5842Larry L. Jackson
Resplendent Quetzal malePharomachrus mocinno - a major target species for the trip.Farm, San Gerardo de Dota, Costa Rica, May 1, 20212021-05-01#0834Larry L. Jackson
Resplendent Quetzal malePharomachrus mocinno - the parents were feeding two large juveniles.Farm, San Gerardo de Dota, Costa Rica, May 1, 20212021-05-01#0859Larry L. Jackson
Resplendent Quetzal malePharomachrus mocinnoFarm, San Gerardo de Dota, Costa Rica, May 1, 20212021-05-01#0876Larry L. Jackson