Keel-billed ToucanRamphastos sulfuratus - The start of 30 photos I picked for a short look. There are a lot more in the four folders that follow if you are interested.Laguna del Lagarto Lodge, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica, April 23, 20212021-04-23#7329Larry L. Jackson
Black-mandibled ToucanRamphastos ambiguus - birds were a major focus of the trip.Laguna del Lagarto Lodge, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica, April 23, 20212021-04-23#7468Larry L. Jackson
Collared AracariPteroglossus torquatusLaguna del Lagarto Lodge, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica, April 23, 20212021-04-23#7493Larry L. Jackson
Passerini's Tanager maleRamphocelus passerinii - one of many types of Tanagers photographed on the trip.Laguna del Lagarto Lodge, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica, April 23, 20212021-04-23#7561Larry L. Jackson
Parkinson's CoilostylisCoilostylis parkinsoniana - I always photograph orchids.Laguna del Lagarto Lodge, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica, April 24, 20212021-04-24#9824Larry L. Jackson
White-necked Jacobin maleFlorisuga mellivora - on a very nice Ginger flower.Diego's House, Santa Rita, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica, April 24, 20212021-04-24#9853Larry L. Jackson
King VultureSarcoramphus papa - one of the world's nicer looking vultures.Laguna del Lagarto Lodge, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica, April 25, 20212021-04-25#8193Larry L. Jackson
Red-capped Manakin maleCeratopipra mentalis - this little guy was actively trying to attract a mate, but posed long enough for a photo.Laguna del Lagarto Lodge, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica, April 25, 20212021-04-25#8386Larry L. Jackson
Fer-de-LanceBothrops asper - seriously deadly.Adolfo's House, Santa Rita, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica, April 25, 20212021-04-25#0177Larry L. Jackson
Tiger-striped Tree FrogCallimedusa tomopternaAdolfo's House, Santa Rita, Boca Tapada, Costa Rica, April 25, 20212021-04-25#0284Larry L. Jackson