Anti-Roll BedThe couch made into a bed, but also this better shape in rolling sea conditions.Room #520, KM Kapitan Khlebnikov, Southern Ocean, December 7, 20062006-12-07#0150Larry L. Jackson
Bow SprayPhoto from the bridge since conditions on deck were prohibited due to rough seas.KM Kapitan Khlebnikov, Southern Ocean, December 7, 20062006-12-07#0027Larry L. Jackson
Southern Royal AlbatrossDiomedea epomophora epomophoraSouthern Ocean, December 7, 20062006-12-08#0023Larry L. Jackson
Campbell Black-browed AlbatrossThalassarche melanophris impavidaSouthern Ocean, December 7, 20062006-12-08#0032Larry L. Jackson
Campbell Black-browed AlbatrossThalassarche melanophris impavidaSouthern Ocean, December 7, 20062006-12-08#0040Larry L. Jackson