Chinstrap PenguinsPygoscelis antarcticusPoint Wild, Elephant Island, January 30, 20052005-01-30#0030Larry L. Jackson
Fin WhaleBalaenoptera physalusPoint Wild, Elephant Island, January 30, 20052005-01-30#0034Larry L. Jackson
Fin WhaleBalaenoptera physalusPoint Wild, Elephant Island, January 30, 20052005-01-30#0035Larry L. Jackson
IcebergDeparting Elephant Island for the Antarctic Peninsula.Elephant Island, January 30, 20052005-01-30#0038Larry L. Jackson
DepartingElephant Island, January 30, 20052005-01-30#0031Larry L. Jackson
IcebergElephant Island, January 30, 20052005-01-30#0052Larry L. Jackson
Waterboat, Adelie Penguin & Antarctic Fur SealHalf Moon Island, South Shetland Islands, February 1, 20052005-02-01#0025Larry L. Jackson
Kelp GullsLarus dominicanus - adult and two juveniles.Half Moon Island, South Shetland Islands, February 1, 20052005-02-01#0029Larry L. Jackson
Chinstrap PenguinPygoscelis antarcticus - the island is covered in Penguin poop.Half Moon Island, South Shetland Islands, February 1, 20052005-02-01#0032Larry L. Jackson
Chinstrap PenguinsPygoscelis antarcticus - the pink coloration on the rocks is Penguin poop, mostly krill.Half Moon Island, South Shetland Islands, February 1, 20052005-02-01#0033Larry L. Jackson
Antarctic Fur SealArctocephalus gazellaHalf Moon Island, South Shetland Islands, February 1, 20052005-02-01#0042Larry L. Jackson
Half Moon IslandSouth Shetland Islands, February 1, 20052005-02-01#0030Larry L. Jackson