Brown SkuaStercorarius antarcticusYankee Harbour, Greenwich Island, South Shetland Islands, February 1, 20052005-02-01#0033Larry L. Jackson
Yankee HarbourBrown Skuas, Antarctic Fur Seals and Southern Gentoo Penguins.Greenwich Island, South Shetland Islands, February 1, 20052005-02-01#0034Larry L. Jackson
Weddell SealLeptonychotes weddellii - capable of diving to 2,500 feet to feed on Antarctic Cod that make up 60% of the diet.Yankee Harbour, Greenwich Island, South Shetland Islands, February 1, 20052005-02-01#0040Larry L. Jackson
Yankee HarbourGreenwich Island, South Shetland Islands, February 1, 20052005-02-01#0045Larry L. Jackson
Livingston IslandSouth Shetland Islands, February 1, 20052005-02-01#0012Larry L. Jackson
MS Clipper AdventurerYankee Harbour, Greenwich Island, South Shetland Islands, February 1, 20052005-02-01#0047Larry L. Jackson
Neptune's BellowsAfter a day on the Antarctic Peninsula, we went back to the South Shetlands to visit Deception Island.Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, February 3, 20052005-02-03#0010Larry L. Jackson
Cathedral CragsDeception Island, South Shetland Islands, February 3, 20052005-02-03#0011Larry L. Jackson
Pete's PillarThe small pillar on the left side of Neptune's Bellows as we entered Whaler's Bay and Port Foster.Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, February 3, 20052005-02-03#0014Larry L. Jackson
Whale Oil TanksToxic materials have been removed, but remains are now part of historic preservation of the history of the island.Hekla Whaling Station, Whaler's Bay, Deception Island, South Shetland Island, February 3, 20052005-02-03#0015Larry L. Jackson
Biscoe HouseDamaged in the 1967 & 1969 volcanic eruptions.Hekla Whaling Station, Whaler's Bay, Deception Island, South Shetland Island, February 3, 20052005-02-03#0016Larry L. Jackson
1969-70 Ash & CindersHekla Whaling Station, Whaler's Bay, Deception Island, South Shetland Island, February 3, 20052005-02-03#0017Larry L. Jackson