Wild IrisIris missouriensisHenry Cowell Redwoods State Park, Felton, California,2015-05-16#1914Larry L. Jackson
Dawn RedwoodMetasequoia glyptostroboides - growing below a large coastal redwood this is a close relative of the coastal redwood, thought to be extinct until 1940 when it was rediscovered in a remote valley in China.Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, Felton, California, May 16, 20152015-05-16#1921Larry L. Jackson
Coastal Redwood LeavesSequoia sempervirensHenry Cowell Redwoods State Park, Felton, California, May 16, 20152015-05-16#1925Larry L. Jackson
Giant Chain FernWoodwardia fimbriataHenry Cowell Redwoods State Park, Felton, California, May 16, 20152015-05-16#1927Larry L. Jackson
Interior, Felton Covered Bridgeoriginally built in 1892, the tallest wooden covered bridge in the United States.Felton, California, May 16, 20152015-05-16#1929Larry L. Jackson
Felton Covered BridgeFelton, California, May 16, 20152015-05-16#1930Larry L. Jackson
Milk ThistleSilybum marianumFelton Covered Bridge, Felton, California, May 16, 20152015-05-16#1938Larry L. Jackson
English DaisiesBellis perennisFelton Covered Bridge Park, Felton, California, May 16, 20152015-05-16#1952Larry L. Jackson
AlyssumAlyssum specieBonny Doon Beach, California, May 16, 20152015-05-16#1954Larry L. Jackson
UnknownBonny Doon Beach, California, May 16, 20152015-05-16#1955Larry L. Jackson
Sand Ripplescovering railroad tracksBonny Doon Beach, California, May 16, 20152015-05-16#1956Larry L. Jackson
AstersBonny Doon Beach, California, May 16, 20152015-05-16#1958Larry L. Jackson