StalactitesTemplo del Tiempo, Rio Claro Natural Reserve, Colombia, September 19, 20242024-09-19#4136Larry L. Jackson
StalactitesTemplo del Tiempo, Rio Claro Natural Reserve, Colombia, September 19, 20242024-09-19#4138Larry L. Jackson
FernPolypodium species - best guess.Rio Claro Natural Reserve, Colombia, September 19, 20242024-09-19#4142Larry L. Jackson
SpikemossSelaginella species - can't find a specific id.Rio Claro Natural Reserve, Colombia, September 19, 20242024-09-19#4143Larry L. Jackson
StalactitesRio Claro Natural Reserve, Colombia, September 19, 20242024-09-19#4145Larry L. Jackson
Rio ClaroRio Claro Natural Reserve, Colombia, September 19, 20242024-09-19#4146Larry L. Jackson
Justicia speciesRio Claro Natural Reserve, Colombia, September 19, 20242024-09-19#4149Larry L. Jackson
Crystal AnthuriumAnthurium crystallinumRio Claro Natural Reserve, Colombia, September 19, 20242024-09-19#9181Larry L. Jackson
Dumb CaneDieffenbachia longispathaRio Claro Natural Reserve, Colombia, September 19, 20242024-09-19#4154Larry L. Jackson
Slow Shutter WaterfallRio Claro Natural Reserve, Colombia, September 19, 20242024-09-19#4156Larry L. Jackson
WaterfallThere is a trail that exits through the waterfall. Tourist wearing life jackets for the transit of the stream near the waterfall.Rio Claro Natural Reserve, Colombia, September 19, 20242024-09-19#4166Larry L. Jackson
Spike-of-DragonHelosis cayennensisRio Claro Natural Reserve, Colombia, September 19, 20242024-09-19#4168Larry L. Jackson