Puma, 9Puma concolor concolor - checking a scent mark.Estancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, April 29, 20232023-04-29#0441Larry L. Jackson
HillEstancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, April 29, 20232023-04-29#8830Larry L. Jackson
GuanacosLama guanicoeEstancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, April 29, 20232023-04-29#0506Larry L. Jackson
Estancia GoicThe ranch is 185,000 acres with limited, paid access for Puma encounters.Torres del Paine, Chile, April 29, 20232023-04-29#8832Larry L. Jackson
Laguna AmargaEstancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, April 29, 20232023-04-29#8835Larry L. Jackson
Spectacled Ducks & Yellow-billed TealsSpeculanas specularis & Anas flavirostris - with the Pumas typically napping midday, we went looking for birds.Torres del Paine, Chile, April 29, 20232023-04-29#0518Larry L. Jackson
Ranch BuildingTorres del Paine, Chile, April 29, 20232023-04-29#0519Larry L. Jackson
House SparrowsPasser domesticusTorres del Paine, Chile, April 29, 20232023-04-29#0524Larry L. Jackson
Yellow-billed TealsAnas flavirostrisTorres del Paine, Chile, April 29, 20232023-04-29#0526Larry L. Jackson
Spectacled DucksSpeculanas specularisTorres del Paine, Chile, April 29, 20232023-04-29#0533Larry L. Jackson
Spectacled DucksSpeculanas specularisTorres del Paine, Chile, April 29, 20232023-04-29#0536Larry L. Jackson
WagonTorres del Paine, Chile, April 29, 20232023-04-29#8836Larry L. Jackson