CottontopEchinocactus polycephalus - growing in an incredibly dry environment.Alabama Hills, Lone Pine, California, May 10, 20152015-05-11#1133Larry L. Jackson
Beavertail CactusOpuntia basilarisAlabama Hills, Lone Pine, California, May 11, 20152015-05-11#1135Larry L. Jackson
Small Archwe thought this was the Mobius Arch at first and were quite laughably disappointed.Alabama Hills, Lone Pine, California, May 11, 20152015-05-11#1140Larry L. Jackson
Mobius Archwe had a bit of difficulty locating this arch, but it was worth the effort.Alabama Hills, Lone Pine, California, May 11, 20152015-05-11#1155Larry L. Jackson
Silver ChollaOpuntia echinocarpaAlabama Hills, Lone Pine, California, May 11, 20152015-05-11#1186Larry L. Jackson
Western Desert PenstemonPenstemon incertus - due to runoff, there was a lot in bloom near the road.Horseshoe Meadows Road, Lone Pine, California, May 11, 20152015-05-11#1188Larry L. Jackson
ChiaSalvia columbariaeHorseshoe Meadows Road, Lone Pine, California, May 11, 20152015-05-11#1192Larry L. Jackson
Mountain Bluebird, maleSialia currucoides - difficult to get close to.Last Chance Meadow, Inyo National Forest, Lone Pine, California, May 11, 20152015-05-11#3988Larry L. Jackson
Dark-eyed Junco, maleJunco hyemalisLast Chance Meadow, Inyo National Forest, Lone Pine, California, May 11, 20152015-05-11#4003Larry L. Jackson
UnknownI would really like to know what this is.Last Chance Meadow, Inyo National Forest, Lone Pine, California, May 11, 20152015-05-11#1215Larry L. Jackson
Golden-mantled Ground SquirrelCallospermophilus lateralis - the tightly twisted tree trunk was very interesting.Last Chance Meadow, Inyo National Forest, Lone Pine, California, May 11, 20152015-05-11#1225Larry L. Jackson
Golden-mantled Ground SquirrelCallospermophilus lateralis - having been previously fed, the squirrel approached us.Last Chance Meadow, Inyo National Forest, Lone Pine, California, May 11, 20152015-05-11#4028Larry L. Jackson