Great Horned OwlBubo virginianusSan Angelo, Texas, October 18, 20112011-10-18#5669Larry L. Jackson
Great Blue HeronsArdea herodiasNorth Concho River, San Angelo, Texas, April 25, 20122012-04-25#0212Larry L. Jackson
Scissor-tailed FlycatcherTyrannus forficatus - arrive with SpringLake Nasworthy, San Angelo, Texas, May 14, 20122012-05-14#6156Larry L. Jackson
Great-tailed Grackle, juvenileQuiscalus mexicanus - a very unattractive juvenileMy Pond, San Angelo, Texas, May 14, 20122012-05-14#6183Larry L. Jackson
White-winged DoveZenaida asiatica - on nestMy Yard, San Angelo, Texas, July 8, 20122012-07-08#3763Larry L. Jackson
Great-tailed Grackle, femaleQuiscalus mexicanusMy Yard, San Angelo, Texas, July 8, 20122012-07-08#3780Larry L. Jackson
Swainson's Hawk, 1st yearButeo swainsoni - intermediate coloration, down the street eating a GrackleSan Angelo, Texas, August 19, 20122012-08-19#4561Larry L. Jackson
Double-crested CormorantPhalacrocorax auritusNorth Concho River, San Angelo, Texas, December 1, 20122012-12-01#3703Larry L. Jackson
Inca DoveColumbina incaMy Yard, San Angelo, Texas, December 9, 20122012-12-09#5392Larry L. Jackson
Inca DoveColumbina incaMy Yard, San Angelo, Texas, December 9, 20122012-12-09#5397Larry L. Jackson
Cardinal, femaleCardinalis cardinalisMy Yard, San Angelo, Texas, December 9, 20122012-12-09#5407Larry L. Jackson
Great-tailed Grackle, maleQuiscalus mexicanusMy Yard, San Angelo, Texas, December 9, 20122012-12-09#5413Larry L. Jackson