House Sparrow, malePasser domesticusMy Pond, San Angelo, Texas, January 12, 20102010-01-12#0479Larry L. Jackson
Cedar WaxwingBobycilla cedrorumMy Pond, San Angelo, Texas, January 12, 20102010-01-12#0477Larry L. Jackson
Cedar WaxwingBobycilla cedrorumMy Pond, San Angelo, Texas, January 12, 20102010-01-12#0468Larry L. Jackson
Cedar WaxwingsBobycilla cedrorumMy Pond, San Angelo, Texas, January 12, 20102010-01-12#0486Larry L. Jackson
Cedar WaxwingsBobycilla cedrorumMy Pond, San Angelo, Texas, January 12, 20102010-01-12#0491Larry L. Jackson
Blue JaysCyanocitta cristataSan Angelo, Texas, March 30, 20102010-03-30#4417Larry L. Jackson
Blue JayCyanocitta cristataSan Angelo, Texas, March 30, 20102010-03-30#4419Larry L. Jackson
Mallard Hybridtuft of feathers is fairly common in hybridsNorth Concho River, San Angelo, Texas, October 4, 20102010-10-04#9932Larry L. Jackson
Wild Turkey, femaleMeleagris gallopavoLake Nasworthy, San Angelo, Texas, October 7, 20102010-10-07#9898Larry L. Jackson
Wild Turkey, maleMeleagris gallopavo - nice display that will get better when the short tail feathers grow inLake Nasworthy, San Angelo, Texas, October 8, 20102010-10-08#9935Larry L. Jackson
Wild Turkey, maleMeleagris gallopavoLake Nasworthy, San Angelo, Texas, October 8, 20102010-10-08#9938Larry L. Jackson
Wild Turkey, maleMeleagris gallopavoLake Nasworthy, San Angelo, Texas, October 8, 20102010-10-08#9965Larry L. Jackson