SunsetWith a Hippotragus niger grazing.Little Vumbura, Botswana, May 17, 20112011-05-17#1078Larry L. Jackson
MokorosPoling the makoro from a standing position requires good balance.Little Vumbura, Botswana, May 18, 20112011-05-18#1093Larry L. Jackson
Mark & DavidSome of our group heading out for a photo cruise.Little Vumbura, Botswana, May 18, 20112011-05-18#1095Larry L. Jackson
#5 from the MakoroLittle Vumbura, Botswana, May 18, 20112011-05-18#1097Larry L. Jackson
Painted Reed FrogHyperolius marmoratusLittle Vumbura, Botswana, May 18, 20112011-05-18#6938Larry L. Jackson
Golden Silk Orb-weaverNephila specieLittle Vumbura, Botswana, May 18, 20112011-05-18#6945Larry L. Jackson
Long-nosed Reed FrogHyperolius nasutusLittle Vumbura, Botswana, May 18, 20112011-05-18#6950Larry L. Jackson
Angola Reed FrogHyperolius parallelus angolensisLittle Vumbura, Botswana, May 18, 20112011-05-18#6959Larry L. Jackson
Egyptian White Water LilyNymphaea lotus - a night blooming water lily.Little Vumbura, Botswana, May 18, 20112011-05-18#1111Larry L. Jackson
Little Bee-eaterMerops pusillusLittle Vumbura, Botswana, May 18, 20112011-05-18#6983Larry L. Jackson
Sable AntelopeHippotragus nigerLittle Vumbura, Botswana, May 18, 20112011-05-18#7003Larry L. Jackson
Sable AntelopeHippotragus niger - juvenile.Little Vumbura, Botswana, May 18, 20112011-05-18#7007Larry L. Jackson