Booted EagleAquila pennatus - immature.Jack's Camp, Botswana, May 24, 20112011-05-24#8950Larry L. Jackson
Chapman's BaobabAdansonia digitata - This was the 3rd largest tree in Africa, but it broke apart and collapsed January 7, 2016.Jack's Camp, Botswana, May 24, 20112011-05-24#1740Larry L. Jackson
Debbie @ Chapman's BaobabAdansonia digitata - Debbie is standing at the base, giving perspective to the size of this huge tree.Jack's Camp, Botswana, May 24, 20112011-05-24#1748Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerJack's Camp, Botswana, May 24, 20112011-05-24#8956Larry L. Jackson