Dives 1985 - 2006

  • Moorish Idol
    Moorish Idol
    Zanclus cornutus - juvenile.
    Ligpo Coral, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Tube Anemone
    Tube Anemone
    Cerianthus species
    Ligpo Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blackfin Lionfish
    Blackfin Lionfish
    Parapterois hetururus
    Ligpo Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spotted Porcelain Crab
    Spotted Porcelain Crab
    Neopetrolisthes maculatus
    Ligpo Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blackstripe Dottyback
    Blackstripe Dottyback
    Pseudochromis perspicillatus
    Ligpo Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spot-tail Butterflyfish
    Spot-tail Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon ocellicaudus
    Ligpo Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Yellowtail Damsel
    Yellowtail Damsel
    Neoglyphidodon nigroris
    Ligpo Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Radial Filefish
    Radial Filefish
    Acreichthys radiatus - really blends well with the coral.
    Ligpo Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Trapania japonica
    Trapania japonica
    Ligpo Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Coconut Octopus
    Coconut Octopus
    Amphioctopus marginatus - the blue suckers are more visible in this night photo.
    Night Dive, Anilao Pier, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Coconut Octopus
    Coconut Octopus
    Amphioctopus marginatus
    Night Dive, Anilao Pier, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spiny Waspfish
    Spiny Waspfish
    Ablabys macracanthus
    Night Dive, Anilao Pier, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unicorn Sole
    Unicorn Sole
    Zebrias cornuta, juvenile - undulates fins appearing worm-like.
    Night Dive, Anilao Pier, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Reticulate Stargazer
    Reticulate Stargazer
    Uranoscopus bicinctus
    Night Dive, Anilao Pier, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Rough-head Stingfish
    Rough-head Stingfish
    Minous trachycephalus with Stylactoria piscicola living on the skin of the stingfish.
    Night Dive, Anilao Pier, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Longfin Waspfish
    Longfin Waspfish
    Apistus carinatus
    Night Dive, Anilao Pier, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Oriental Slipper Lobster
    Oriental Slipper Lobster
    Thenus orientalis
    Night Dive, Anilao Pier, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Swimming Crab eating Striped Puffer
    Swimming Crab eating Striped Puffer
    Grapsus (Plagusia) dentipes & Arothron manilensis - a member of the cleanup crew eating a dead puffer.
    Night Dive, Anilao Pier, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • White-spotted Rabbitfish
    White-spotted Rabbitfish
    Siganus canaliculatus
    Night Dive, Anilao Pier, Batangas, Philippines, April 16, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Flagtail Triggerfish
    Flagtail Triggerfish
    Sufflamen chrysopterus - more colorful, perhaps a male.
    Horse's Cock, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Many-spotted Sweetlips
    Many-spotted Sweetlips
    Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides - sub-adult.
    Horse's Cock, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Undescribed Hypselodoris species
    Undescribed Hypselodoris species
    Hypselodoris sp 23 NSSI
    Aphol's Rock, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Giant Frogfish
    Giant Frogfish
    Antennarius commersoni - great coloration.
    Aphol's Rock, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Linda's Flatworm
    Linda's Flatworm
    Pseudoceros lindae
    Aphol's Rock, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Robe Hem Hypselodoris
    Robe Hem Hypselodoris
    Hypselodoris aplogema
    Aphol's Rock, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Mushroom Coral Shrimp
    Mushroom Coral Shrimp
    Periclimenes kororensis in Heliofungia actiniformis
    Aphol's Rock, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Kaname Hypselodoris
    Kaname Hypselodoris
    Hypselodoris kaname
    Aphol's Rock, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Striped Triplefin
    Striped Triplefin
    Helcogramma striata
    Aphol's Rock, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sponge Crab
    Sponge Crab
    Best guess.
    Mainit Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Lightning Flatworm
    Lightning Flatworm
    Pseudobiceros fulgor
    Mainit Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ornate Ghost Pipefish
    Ornate Ghost Pipefish
    Solenostomus paradoxus - male.
    Mainit Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Colorful Hypselodoris
    Colorful Hypselodoris
    Hypselodoris infucata NSSI
    Mainit Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Black-banded Demoiselle
    Black-banded Demoiselle
    Amblypomacentrus breviceps
    Mainit Sand, Batangas, Philippines, April 17, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Leathery Sea Anemone, Clark's Anemonefish & Three-spot Dascyllus
    Leathery Sea Anemone, Clark's Anemonefish & Three-spot Dascyllus
    Heteractis crispa, Amphiprion clarkii & Dascyllus trimaculatus.
    Layag Layag South, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Common Lionfish
    Common Lionfish
    Pterois volitans, juvenile - larger juveniles are often very dark.
    Layag Layag South, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Koehler's Phyllodesmium
    Koehler's Phyllodesmium
    Phyllodesmium koehleri
    Layag Layag South, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ceram Blenny
    Ceram Blenny
    Salarius ceramensis
    Layag Layag South, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Divided Flatworm
    Divided Flatworm
    Pseudoceros imitatus - pseudotentacles instead of rhinophores give this worm away.
    Sepok Wall, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Undescribed Armina species
    Undescribed Armina species
    Armina species 3 NSSI
    Sepok Wall, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Halgerda-like Taringa & eggs
    Halgerda-like Taringa & eggs
    Taringa halgerda
    Sepok Wall, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Yellow Pygmy Angelfish
    Yellow Pygmy Angelfish
    Centropyge heraldi
    Sepok Wall, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Fourline Wrasse
    Fourline Wrasse
    Stethojulis trilineata - terminal phase.
    Sepok Wall, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Co's Goniobranchus
    Co's Goniobranchus
    Goniobranchus coi
    Sepok Wall, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Janolus
    Unknown Janolus
    Janolus species
    Mato Point, Anilao, Batangas, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Snowflake Moray
    Snowflake Moray
    Echidna nebulosa
    Mato Point, Batangas, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Six-lined Soapfish
    Six-lined Soapfish
    Grammistes sexlineatus
    Mato Point, Batangas, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Six-lined Soapfish
    Six-lined Soapfish
    Grammistes sexlineatus
    Mato Point, Batangas, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Palemargin Grouper
    Palemargin Grouper
    Epinephelus bontoides
    Mato Point, Batangas, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ringed Pipefish male & eggs
    Ringed Pipefish male & eggs
    Dunkerocampus dactyliophorus
    Mato Point, Batangas, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Lined Nembrotha
    Lined Nembrotha
    Nembrotha lineolata & Polycarpa aurata
    Mato Point, Batangas, Philippines, April 18, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson