Papuan ScorpionfishScorpaenopsis papuensis - colorfully blending with the reef.Kirby's Rock, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 25, 20081868#0002Larry L. Jackson
Blackwedge TuskfishChoerodon jordani - terminal phase.Kirby's Rock, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 25, 20081868#0005Larry L. Jackson
Pygmy SeahorseHippocampus bargibanti - blending well with the sea fan.Kirby's Rock, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 25, 20081868#0015Larry L. Jackson
AlgaeHalymenia duchassaigniiKirby's Rock, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 25, 20081868#0017Larry L. Jackson
Blackeye ThicklipHemigymnus melapterus - intermediate phase.Kirby's Rock, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 25, 20081868#0021Larry L. Jackson