Flame Anthias malePseudanthias ignitusFish Rock, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 20071709#0055Larry L. Jackson
Indian Redfin ButterflyfishChaetodon trifasciatusNorthwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 20071710#0059Larry L. Jackson
Spotfin SquirrelfishNeoniphon sammaraNorthwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 20071710#0069Larry L. Jackson
Flagtail TriggerfishSufflamen chrysopterumNorthwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 20071710#0070Larry L. Jackson
FusiliersNorthwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 20071710#0071Larry L. Jackson
Andaman SweelipsPlectorhinchus macrospilusNorthwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 20071710#0078Larry L. Jackson
Magnificent Sea AnemonesHeteractis magnifica - a clonal grouping.Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 20071710#0079Larry L. Jackson
Squarenose UnicornfishNaso mcdadeiNorthwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 20071710#0082Larry L. Jackson
Andaman SweelipsPlectorhinchus macrospilusNorthwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 20071710#0084Larry L. Jackson
Powderblue SurgeonfishAcanthurus leucosternonNorthwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 20071710#0088Larry L. Jackson
Whitespotted GrouperEpinephelus coeruleopunctatusNorthwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 20071710#0089Larry L. Jackson
SunriseSunrise at the next dive location, a large island where we dived a couple of sites.Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 20072007-02-01#0081Larry L. Jackson