Dives 1708 - 1719

  • Map
    Our scuba diving boat sails out of Phuket, Thailand which is closer to the Andaman Islands than mainland India.
    Andaman Islands, India
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Semicircle Angelfish
    Semicircle Angelfish
    Pomacanthus semicirculatus
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Humpback Unicornfish
    Humpback Unicornfish
    Naso brachycentron
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bluestripe Snapper
    Bluestripe Snapper
    Lutjanus kasmira - with a Yellowfin Goatfish in the middle.
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Yellowtail False Fusilier
    Yellowtail False Fusilier
    Paracaesio xanthura
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Indian Vagabond Butterflyfish
    Indian Vagabond Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon decussatus
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Saddleback Butterflyfish
    Saddleback Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon falcula
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Flagtail Triggerfish
    Flagtail Triggerfish
    Sufflamen chrysopterum - nice coloration.
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sri Lankan Phyllidiella
    Sri Lankan Phyllidiella
    Phyllidiella zeylanica
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Indian Doublebar Goatfish
    Indian Doublebar Goatfish
    Parupeneus trifasciatus
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Indian Sea Star
    Indian Sea Star
    Fromia indica
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blacktail Angelfish
    Blacktail Angelfish
    Centropyge eibli
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Flame Anthias male
    Flame Anthias male
    Pseudanthias ignitus
    Fish Rock, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Indian Redfin Butterflyfish
    Indian Redfin Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon trifasciatus
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spotfin Squirrelfish
    Spotfin Squirrelfish
    Neoniphon sammara
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Flagtail Triggerfish
    Flagtail Triggerfish
    Sufflamen chrysopterum
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Fusiliers
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Andaman Sweelips
    Andaman Sweelips
    Plectorhinchus macrospilus
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Magnificent Sea Anemones
    Magnificent Sea Anemones
    Heteractis magnifica - a clonal grouping.
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Squarenose Unicornfish
    Squarenose Unicornfish
    Naso mcdadei
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Andaman Sweelips
    Andaman Sweelips
    Plectorhinchus macrospilus
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Powderblue Surgeonfish
    Powderblue Surgeonfish
    Acanthurus leucosternon
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Whitespotted Grouper
    Whitespotted Grouper
    Epinephelus coeruleopunctatus
    Northwest Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, January 31, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sunrise
    Sunrise at the next dive location, a large island where we dived a couple of sites.
    Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Indian Yellowtail Angelfish
    Indian Yellowtail Angelfish
    Apolemichthys xanthotis
    West Bay, Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Redlip Parrotfish terminal phase
    Redlip Parrotfish terminal phase
    Scarus rubroviolaceus
    West Bay, Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Elegant Phyllidia
    Elegant Phyllidia
    Phyllidia elegans
    West Bay, Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Polyclad Flatworm
    Polyclad Flatworm
    Pseudoceros species
    West Bay, Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Elisabeth's Chromodoris
    Elisabeth's Chromodoris
    Chromodoris elisabethina
    West Bay, Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Broadclub Cuttlefish
    Broadclub Cuttlefish
    Sepia latimanus
    West Bay, Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Clown Triggerfish
    Clown Triggerfish
    Balistoides conspicillum
    West Bay, Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spotted Parrotfish juvenile phase
    Spotted Parrotfish juvenile phase
    Cetoscarus ocellatus
    West Bay, Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Spindle Cowrie
    Unknown Spindle Cowrie
    Phenacovolva species
    West Bay, Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blue-spotted Stingray
    Blue-spotted Stingray
    Neotrygon kuhlii - low quality photo included due to missing end of tail.
    West Bay, Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Sponge
    Unknown Sponge
    The Finger, Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Soft Coral
    Unknown Soft Coral
    The Finger, Little Andaman Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blacktip Grouper
    Blacktip Grouper
    Epinephelus fasciatus
    South Sentinel Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Acropora polystoma - refuge for Indian Dascyllus.
    South Sentinel Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Acropora gemmifera - refuge for Indian Dascyllus and Palette Surgeonfish juveniles.
    South Sentinel Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Cushion Star
    Cushion Star
    Culcita novaeguineae
    South Sentinel Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Seychelles Butterflyfish
    Seychelles Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon madagascariensis
    South Sentinel Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Meyer's Butterflyfish
    Meyer's Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon meyeri
    South Sentinel Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Yellowstripe Fusilier
    Yellowstripe Fusilier
    Pterocaesio flavifasciata
    South Sentinel Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Yellowback Fusilier
    Yellowback Fusilier
    Caesio xanthonota
    South Sentinel Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 1, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Passage Island
    Passage Island
    We dived only two locations around this island because of a longer cruise to the next site and some anticipated weather.  We dived eight locations here on the second cruise.
    Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Semicircle Angelfish
    Semicircle Angelfish
    Pomacanthus semicirculatus
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Elisabeth's Chromodoris
    Elisabeth's Chromodoris
    Chromodoris elisabethina
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Tiger Mantis
    Tiger Mantis
    Lysiosquillina maculata
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bullock's Hypselodoris
    Bullock's Hypselodoris
    Hypselodoris bullockii
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Tailspot Squirrelfish
    Tailspot Squirrelfish
    Sargocentron caudimaculatum
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Samurai Squirrelfish
    Samurai Squirrelfish
    Sargocentron ittodai
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Emperor Angelfish
    Emperor Angelfish
    Pomacanthus imperator
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Brown Pygmy Angelfish
    Brown Pygmy Angelfish
    Centropyge multispinus
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sabre Squirrelfish
    Sabre Squirrelfish
    Sargocentron spiniferum
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Striped Surgeonfish
    Striped Surgeonfish
    Acanthurus lineatus
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Zebra Dartfish
    Zebra Dartfish
    Ptereleotris zebra
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Saddleback Butterflyfish
    Saddleback Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon falcula
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Gardiner's Butterflyfish
    Gardiner's Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon gardineri
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Barred Unicornfish
    Barred Unicornfish
    Naso thynnoides
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Wire Coral Goby
    Wire Coral Goby
    Bryaninops yongei
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Giant Moray
    Giant Moray
    Gymnothorax javanicus
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • White Collar Butterflyfish
    White Collar Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon collare
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Oriental Sweetlips
    Oriental Sweetlips
    Plectorhinchus vittatus
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Schooling Bannerfish
    Schooling Bannerfish
    Heniochus diphreutes
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Gold-spotted Sweetlips
    Gold-spotted Sweetlips
    Plectorhinchus flavomaculatus
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Peppermint Sea Star
    Peppermint Sea Star
    Fromia monilis
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Schooling Bannerfish
    Schooling Bannerfish
    Heniochus diphreutes
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bluestripe Snappers
    Bluestripe Snappers
    Lutjanus kasmira
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Pipefish
    Unknown Pipefish
    Corythoichthys species
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Tailspot Squirrelfish
    Tailspot Squirrelfish
    Sargocentron caudimaculatum
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Squirrelfish
    Sargocentron species - Tailspot, Samurai & Spotfin Squirrelfish.
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bluebarred Parrotfish terminal phase
    Bluebarred Parrotfish terminal phase
    Scarus ghobban
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Violet Goniobranchus
    Violet Goniobranchus
    Goniobranchus conchyliatus
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Nudibranch
    Unknown Nudibranch
    Hypselodoris species - best guess based on anatomical features.
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sea Anemone
    Sea Anemone
    Phymanthus muscosus
    Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 2, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spotted Butterflyfish
    Spotted Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon guttatissimus
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Yellowstriped Cardinalfish
    Yellowstriped Cardinalfish
    Ostorhinchus cyanosoma
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blacktail Angelfish
    Blacktail Angelfish
    Centropyge eibli
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Checkerboard Wrasse intermediate phase
    Checkerboard Wrasse intermediate phase
    Halichoeres hortulanus
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ocellated Phyllidia
    Ocellated Phyllidia
    Phyllidia ocellata
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Batu Coris intermediate phase
    Batu Coris intermediate phase
    Coris batuensis
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blacktail Angelfish
    Blacktail Angelfish
    Centropyge eibli
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Undetermined Feather Duster Worms
    Undetermined Feather Duster Worms
    Bispira species 1
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Twospot Bristletooth
    Twospot Bristletooth
    Ctenochaetus binotatus
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ornate Leopard-wrasse juvenile phase
    Ornate Leopard-wrasse juvenile phase
    Macropharyngodon ornatus
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ambon Damsel
    Ambon Damsel
    Pomacentrus amboinensis
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Indian Mimic Surgeonfish
    Indian Mimic Surgeonfish
    Acanthurus tristis - large juvenile.
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Indian Half-and-half Chromis
    Indian Half-and-half Chromis
    Chromis dimidiata
    Southeast Point, Neil Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Raccoon Butterflyfish
    Raccoon Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon lunula
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Regal Angelfish
    Regal Angelfish
    Pygoplites diacanthus
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Silolona Damsel
    Silolona Damsel
    Amblyglyphidodon silolona
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Phantom Bannerfish
    Phantom Bannerfish
    Heniochus pleurotaenia
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Speckled Sandperch female
    Speckled Sandperch female
    Parapercis hexophtalma
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Undescribed Polyclad Flatworm
    Undescribed Polyclad Flatworm
    Thysanozoon species 1
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Indian Snapper
    Indian Snapper
    Lutjanus madras
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Tubelip Wrasse juvenile phase
    Tubelip Wrasse juvenile phase
    Labrichthys unilineatus
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse intermediate phase
    Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse intermediate phase
    Labroides bicolor
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Checkerboard Wrasse juvenile phase
    Checkerboard Wrasse juvenile phase
    Halichoeres hortulanus
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Comb Penshell
    Comb Penshell
    Atrina pectinata
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse
    Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse
    Labroides bicolor - late intermediate phase.
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Latticed Sandperch female
    Latticed Sandperch female
    Parapercis clathrata
    Golug Ma, Havelock Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Boring Giant Clam
    Boring Giant Clam
    Tridacna crocea
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bubble Coral
    Bubble Coral
    Plerogyra sinuosa
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Banded Goby pair
    Banded Goby pair
    Amblygobius phalaena
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blue Damsel
    Blue Damsel
    Pomacentrus pavo
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Cardinalfish
    Unknown Cardinalfish
    Rhabdamia species
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Banded Shrimpgoby
    Banded Shrimpgoby
    Cryptocentrus cinctus - with an unknown snapping shrimp.
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spinecheek Anemonefish
    Spinecheek Anemonefish
    Premnas biaculeatus - first yellow-barred that I have seen.
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Poppe's Spindle Cowrie
    Poppe's Spindle Cowrie
    Phenacovolva poppei
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sea Pen
    Sea Pen
    Virgularia species - a very delicate looking type.
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bridled Triggerfish
    Bridled Triggerfish
    Sufflamen fraenatus
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Tomato Grouper
    Tomato Grouper
    Cephalopholis sonnerati - I wish I had not cut the tail off in the photo.
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Pilsbry's Headshield Slug & Deshay's Mitre
    Pilsbry's Headshield Slug & Deshay's Mitre
    Philinopsis pilsbryi & Costellaria deshaysi
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Shrimpgoby
    Unknown Shrimpgoby
    Amblyeleotris species
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Black-rayed Shrimpgoby
    Black-rayed Shrimpgoby
    Stonogobiops nematodes - generally difficult to approach for a photo.
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Shrimpgoby
    Unknown Shrimpgoby
    Amblyeleotris species - similar to the Gorgeous Shrimpgoby except for the missing face bar.
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ventral-barred Shrimpgoby
    Ventral-barred Shrimpgoby
    Cryptocentrus sericus - with undescribed Alpheus species 2 Snapping Shrimp.
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ventral-barred Shrimpgoby
    Ventral-barred Shrimpgoby
    Cryptocentrus sericus - with an undescribed Alpheus species.
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Smith's Fangblenny
    Smith's Fangblenny
    Meiacanthus smithi
    Rosemund Shoal, Andaman Islands, India, February 3, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • South Button Island
    South Button Island
    There is a small light on the island to warn shipping.  We dived a couple of sites here on the first cruise and three sites on the second cruise.
    Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Fire Coral
    Fire Coral
    Millepora species
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Cheek-lined Wrasse intermediate phase
    Cheek-lined Wrasse intermediate phase
    Oxycheilinus digrammus
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spinecheek Anemonefish pair
    Spinecheek Anemonefish pair
    Premnus biaculeatus
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Golden Rabbitfish
    Golden Rabbitfish
    Siganus guttatus
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Speckled Sandperch male
    Speckled Sandperch male
    Parapercis hexophthalma
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blue Triggerfish juvenile
    Blue Triggerfish juvenile
    Pseudobalistes fuscus
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spinecheek Anemonefish
    Spinecheek Anemonefish
    Premnas biaculeatus - a bit unusual to see more than a male and female, but there are three sea anemones to share.
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spinecheek Anemonefish
    Spinecheek Anemonefish
    Premnas biaculeatus
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spinecheek Anemonefish
    Spinecheek Anemonefish
    Premnas biaculeatus - the big female of this group.
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Undescribed Shrimp
    Undescribed Shrimp
    Urocaridella species 1
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Wire Coral Goby
    Wire Coral Goby
    Bryaninops yongei on Cirripathes anguina - This goby only lives on this wire coral. The goby also has a parasite on its head.
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Merten's Carpet Anemone
    Merten's Carpet Anemone
    Stichodactyla mertensii
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Clark's Anemonefish
    Clark's Anemonefish
    Amphiprion clarkii
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spinecheek Anemonefish
    Spinecheek Anemonefish
    Premnas biaculeatus
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Leathery Sea Anemone
    Leathery Sea Anemone
    Heteractis crispa - with Clark's Anemonefish.
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Acropora latistella
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bleeker's Parrotfish itermediate phase
    Bleeker's Parrotfish itermediate phase
    Chlorurus bleekeri
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bleeker's Parrotfish terminal phase
    Bleeker's Parrotfish terminal phase
    Chlorurus bleekeri
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Quoy's Parrotfish terminal phase
    Quoy's Parrotfish terminal phase
    Scarus quoyi
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Fluted Giant Clam
    Fluted Giant Clam
    Tridacna squamosa
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Boring Giant Clam
    Boring Giant Clam
    Tridacna crocea
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bullethead Parrotfish terminal phase
    Bullethead Parrotfish terminal phase
    Chlorurus sordidus
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Acropora nasuta
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Checkerboard Wrasse intermediate phase
    Checkerboard Wrasse intermediate phase
    Halichoeres hortulanus
    South Button Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 4, 2007
    Larry L. Jackson