Emperor Angelfish subadultPomacanthus imperator - there were an unusually large number of subadults during the two cruises.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 18, 20061552#0072Larry L. Jackson
White Collar ButterflyfishChaetodon collare - one of my favorite photos.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 18, 20061552#0076Larry L. Jackson
Sea FanAcabaria speciesRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 18, 20061552#0084Larry L. Jackson
Emperor AngelfishPomacanthus imperator - unusual tail.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 18, 20061552#0087Larry L. Jackson
Geometric GoniobranchusGoniobranchus geometricus - one of the group that raise and lower the front part of the head mantle.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 18, 20061552#0091Larry L. Jackson
Twin GoniobranchusGoniobranchus geminus - one of the group that raises and lowers the entire mantle.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 18, 20061552#0093Larry L. Jackson
Spotted Porcelain CrabNeopetrolisthes maculatusFanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 19, 20061553#0001Larry L. Jackson
Disc AnemonesRhodactis species - guessing the species.Fanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 19, 20061553#0002Larry L. Jackson
Nagasaki DamselPomacentrus nagasakiensis - juvenile, thanks to Pavaphon Supanantananont for id correction.Fanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 19, 20061553#0006Larry L. Jackson
Catala's Sea StarThromidia catalaiFanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 19, 20061553#0010Larry L. Jackson
Six-arm Brittle StarsOphiothela danaeFanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 19, 20061553#0012Larry L. Jackson
Undescribed Cleaner ShrimpUrocaridella species 1 - this shrimp always seems eager to clean when approached.Fanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 19, 20061553#0014Larry L. Jackson