Striped SurgeonfishAcanthurus lineatus - a fast moving species, generally seen in shallow water.Koh Bon, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 17, 20061547#0031Larry L. Jackson
Scythe TriggerfishSufflamen bursa - a color phase.Koh Bon, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 17, 20061547#0034Larry L. Jackson
Electric Blue Hermit CrabCalcinus elegansKoh Bon, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 17, 20061547#0036Larry L. Jackson
Scarf Triplefin maleHelcogramma trigloides - possibly nuptial coloration in my best guess on the id.Koh Bon, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 17, 20061547#0037Larry L. Jackson
Maxima Giant ClamTridacna maximaKoh Bon, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 17, 20061547#0040Larry L. Jackson
Bluestreak FusilierPterocasesio tileKoh Tachai, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 17, 20061548#0042Larry L. Jackson
Zebra SharkStegostoma fasciatum - if carefully approached in full view, this shark will often stay put.Koh Tachai, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 17, 20061548#0046Larry L. Jackson
Zebra SharkStegostoma fasciatumKoh Tachai, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 17, 20061548#0050Larry L. Jackson
Zebra SharkStegostoma fasciatum - with a Sharksucker attached.Koh Tachai, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 17, 20061548#0053Larry L. Jackson
Redtooth TriggerfishOdonus niger - lighter coloration due to the Cleaner Wrasse.Koh Tachai, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 17, 20061548#0057Larry L. Jackson
Leopard BlennyExallias brevisKoh Tachai, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 17, 20061549#0058Larry L. Jackson
ParrotfishChlorurus erythrodon - terminal phase with no common name.Koh Tachai, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 17, 20061549#0061Larry L. Jackson