Fimbriated, Yellowmargin & White-eyed MoraysGymnothorax fimbriatus, flavimarginatus & thyrsoideus - 3 different morays sharing a hole.3 Islets middle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 9, 20061533#0182Larry L. Jackson
Clear Cleaner ShrimpUrocaridella antonbruunii3 Islets middle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 9, 20061533#0184Larry L. Jackson
Crown JellyCephea cephea - with juvenile filefish.3 Islets middle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 9, 20061533#0189Larry L. Jackson
Sea FansMelithaea species3 Islets middle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 9, 20061533#0191Larry L. Jackson
Marbled ShrimpSaron species - it is suggested that several similar looking shrimp are part of a complex needing more study.1534#0002Black Rock, Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar, January 10, 2006Larry L. Jackson
Coral Marbled ShrimpSaron neglectusBlack Rock, Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar, January 10, 20061534#0005Larry L. Jackson
Catala's Sea StarThromidia catalai - I'm not certain of this identification.Black Rock, Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar, January 10, 20061534#0008Larry L. Jackson
Blast Fishing CarcassesIllegal blast fishing leaves a lot of waste and destruction.Black Rock, Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar, January 10, 20061534#0011Larry L. Jackson
Blast Fishing CarcassesOnly fish that float or are in shallow water are collected.Black Rock, Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar, January 10, 20061534#0013Larry L. Jackson
Blast Fishing CarcassesBlack Rock, Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar, January 10, 20061534#0018Larry L. Jackson
Blast Fishing CarcassesBlack Rock, Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar, January 10, 20061534#0019Larry L. Jackson
Eel BornellaBornella anguillaBlack Rock, Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar, January 10, 20061534#0015Larry L. Jackson