Bridled Monocle BreamScolopsis bilineataKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0004Larry L. Jackson
Five-lined SnappersLutjanus quinquelineatus - there is also a Bluestripe Snapper, the one with the white belly.Koh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0005Larry L. Jackson
Orange-dashed Goby variationValenciennea puellarisKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0007Larry L. Jackson
Tiger MantisLysiosquilla maculataKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0011Larry L. Jackson
Aurora ShrimpgobyAmblyeleotris auroraKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0013Larry L. Jackson