Bridled Monocle BreamScolopsis bilineataKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0004Larry L. Jackson
Five-lined SnappersLutjanus quinquelineatus - there is also a Bluestripe Snapper, the one with the white belly.Koh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0005Larry L. Jackson
Orange-dashed Goby variationValenciennea puellarisKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0007Larry L. Jackson
Tiger MantisLysiosquilla maculataKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0011Larry L. Jackson
Aurora ShrimpgobyAmblyeleotris auroraKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0013Larry L. Jackson
Andaman ButterflyfishChaetodon andamanensisKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0019Larry L. Jackson
Bigeye SnapperLutjanus lutjanus - for some reason these tautonym names seem special.Koh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0020Larry L. Jackson
Largespot SweetilipsPlectorhinchus macrospilusKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0026Larry L. Jackson
Skunk AnemonefishAmphiprion akallopisosKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0029Larry L. Jackson
Dorid NudibranchPhyllidiella meandrinaKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0033Larry L. Jackson
Schlegel's Feather StarComaster schlegeliiKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0034Larry L. Jackson
White Collar ButterflyfishChaetodon collareKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0036Larry L. Jackson
Indian Vagabond ButterflyfishChaetodon decussatusKoh Bon, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061520#0041Larry L. Jackson
Reef StonefishSynanceia verrucosa - looking so much a part of the substrate, deadly venomous if contact is made with the dorsal fin spines.Koh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0044Larry L. Jackson
Powderblue SurgeonfishAcanthurus leucosternon - striking coloration.Koh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0046Larry L. Jackson
Magnificent Sea AnemonesRadianthus magnifica - previously Heteractis magnifica. These are likely clones.Koh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0047Larry L. Jackson
Magnificent Sea AnemonesRadianthus magnifica - clonal specimens.Koh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0049Larry L. Jackson
Indian DascyllusDascyllus carneusKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0053Larry L. Jackson
Yellowtail WrasseAnampses meleagrides - initial phase.Koh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0055Larry L. Jackson
Coral GrouperCephalopholis miniataKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0056Larry L. Jackson
Indian Redfin ButterflyfishChaetodon trifaciatusKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0058Larry L. Jackson
Blacktail AngelfishCentropyge eibliKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0061Larry L. Jackson
Yellowback FusilierCaesio xanthonotaKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0062Larry L. Jackson
Banded Sea KraitLaticauda colubrinaKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0063Larry L. Jackson
Redmouth GrouperAethaloperca rogaaKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0067Larry L. Jackson
Peacock Grouper phaseCephalopholis argusKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0069Larry L. Jackson
Triangular ButterflyfishChaetodon triangulumKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0071Larry L. Jackson
Java RabbitfishSiganus javusKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0080Larry L. Jackson
Elegant UnicornfishNaso elegans - the fixed spines on the tail base are very sharp.Koh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0084Larry L. Jackson
Extraordinary Feather StarComanthus mirabilis - best guess id.Koh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0086Larry L. Jackson
Leopard BlennyExallius brevisKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061521#0089Larry L. Jackson
Tripletail WrasseCheilinus trilobatus - terminal phase.Koh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0099Larry L. Jackson
Emperor AngelfishPomacanthus imperatorKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0100Larry L. Jackson
Goldsaddle Goatfish phasesParupeneus cyclostomusKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0103Larry L. Jackson
False Clown AnemonefishAmphiprion ocellarisKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0106Larry L. Jackson
Orange-lined Triggerfish variationBalistapus undulatus - Andaman Sea specimens lack the large black spot on the tail base.Koh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0110Larry L. Jackson
Black-backed ButterflyfishChaetodon melannotusKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0120Larry L. Jackson
Lined ButterflyfishChaetodon lineolatusKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0124Larry L. Jackson
Granular Sea StarChoriaster granulatus - might be a spawning posture.Koh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0127Larry L. Jackson
Sea FanMelithaea speciesKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0129Larry L. Jackson
Skunk AnemonefishAmphiprion akallopisosKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0132Larry L. Jackson
Sea FanMelithaea speciesKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0134Larry L. Jackson
Brown Pygmy AngelfishCentropyge multispinusKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0136Larry L. Jackson
Vanikoro SweeperPempheris vanicolensisKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0137Larry L. Jackson
Indian TriggerfishMelichthys indicusKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0143Larry L. Jackson
Chevroned ButterflyfishChaetodon trifascialis - feeds on hard coral polyps.Koh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0144Larry L. Jackson
Leopard BlennyExallius brevisKoh Tachai, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 6, 20061522#0148Larry L. Jackson
Tigertail SeahorseHippocampus comesRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0003Larry L. Jackson
Soft CoralParaminabea species - polyps inflate to feed in shade or at night.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0005Larry L. Jackson
Soft CoralParaminabea speciesRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0006Larry L. Jackson
Redcoat SquirrelfishSargocentron rubrumRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0009Larry L. Jackson
Soft CoralParaminabea speciesRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0010Larry L. Jackson
Soft CoralsParaminabea speciesRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0013Larry L. Jackson
Emperor Angelfish subadultPomacanthus imperatorRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0017Larry L. Jackson
Lollyfish Sea CucumberHolothuria atraRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0019Larry L. Jackson
Sapsucking SlugElysia marginataRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0022Larry L. Jackson
Tessellated HalgerdaHalgerda tesselataRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0025Larry L. Jackson
Double-spined UrchinEchinothrix calamarisRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0028Larry L. Jackson
Twospot SnapperLutjanus biguttatusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0031Larry L. Jackson
Beautiful HypselodorisHypselodoris pulchellaRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0033Larry L. Jackson
Glomerate Tree CoralDendronephthya speciesRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061523#0034Larry L. Jackson
Red Saddleback AnemonefishAmphiprion ephippiumRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0037Larry L. Jackson
Red Saddleback AnemonefishAmphiprion ephippiumRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0043Larry L. Jackson
Redcoat SquirrelfishSargocentron rubrumRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0048Larry L. Jackson
Beaded Sea AnemoneHeteractis aurora - with Clark's Anemonefish.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0051Larry L. Jackson
Doubletooth SoldierfishMyripristis hexagonaRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0053Larry L. Jackson
Sea AnemonePhymanthus muscosus - the long tentacles around the mouth are distinctive.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0054Larry L. Jackson
Highfin CoralfishCoradion altivelisRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0056Larry L. Jackson
Redbar Anthias malePseudanthias rubrizonatusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0061Larry L. Jackson
Redbar Anthias femalePseudanthias rubrizonatusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0066Larry L. Jackson
Indian Yellowtail AngelfishApolemichthys xanthurusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0070Larry L. Jackson
False Clown AnemonefishAmphiprion ocellarisRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0072Larry L. Jackson
Whitemouth MorayGymnothorax meleagrisRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0076Larry L. Jackson
Schmid's Sea StarCulcita schmidelianaRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0077Larry L. Jackson
Coral GrouperCephalopholis miniataRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0078Larry L. Jackson
Red Saddleback AnemonefishAmphiprion ephippiumRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0081Larry L. Jackson
Geometric GoniobranchusGoniobranchus geometricusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0087Larry L. Jackson
Indian Vagabond ButterflyfishChaetodon decussatusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0089Larry L. Jackson
Unknown JellyRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0094Larry L. Jackson
Crucifix CrabChalybdis feriata - riding in the bell of the unknown jelly.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061524#0099Larry L. Jackson
Green Chromis nuptialChromis cinerascens - egg laying in progress.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0102Larry L. Jackson
Unknown PipefishCorythoichthys species - more colorful than most of this type of pipefish.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0104Larry L. Jackson
Java RabbitfishSiganus javus - feeding on a Crown Jelly.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0112Larry L. Jackson
Vagabond ButterflyfishChaetodon vagabundusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0114Larry L. Jackson
Ornate Ghost PipefishSolenostomus paradoxusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0116Larry L. Jackson
White Spotted JellyPhyllorhiza punctata - juvenile filefish under the bell of the jelly.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0123Larry L. Jackson
White Spotted JellyPhyllorhiza punctataRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0125Larry L. Jackson
Java RabbitfishSiganus javus - feeding on a Crown Jelly.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0140Larry L. Jackson
Crown JellyCephea cepheaRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0145Larry L. Jackson
Red Saddleback Anemonefish juvenileAmphiprion ephippiumRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0146Larry L. Jackson
Arabian CowrieCypraea arabicaRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0149Larry L. Jackson
Tawny Nurse SharkNebrius ferrugineusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0151Larry L. Jackson
Orange Cup CoralTubastrea faulkneri - polyp tentacles generally come out in shade, darkness and current to feed.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0152Larry L. Jackson
Soft CoralParaminabea speciesRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0153Larry L. Jackson
Swollen PhyllidiaPhyllidia varicosaRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0161Larry L. Jackson
Bluelined GrouperCephalopholis formosaRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0165Larry L. Jackson
Spottted & Barred BlennyMimodellinus atrocinctus - thanks to Ned DeLoach for the identification.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0174Larry L. Jackson
Unknown Swimming CrabPortunus speciesRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0177Larry L. Jackson
Redlip ParrotfishScarus rubroviolaceus - initial phase.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, January 7, 20061525#0179Larry L. Jackson
Beaded Sea AnemoneHeteractis aurora - the big Anemonefish is either a Sebae or Clark's.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0002Larry L. Jackson
Corkscrew Sea AnemoneMacrodactyla doreensis - with Clark's Anemonefish & Three-spot Dascyllus.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0004Larry L. Jackson
Tiger Mantis, Western RockyLysiosquilla maculataWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0006Larry L. Jackson
White-eyed & Yellowmargin MoraysGymnothorax thysoideus & flavimarginatus - it isn't uncommon for different species of eels to share holes.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0009Larry L. Jackson
Tasseled Scorpionfish & Longfin GrouperScorpaenopsis oxycephala & Epinephelus quoyanus - a very odd place for the grouper.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0011Larry L. Jackson
Rosy Spindle CowriePhenacovolva roseaWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0014Larry L. Jackson
Confused MurexChicoreus akritosWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0016Larry L. Jackson
Dark Margin DoriprismaticaDoriprismatica atromarginataWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0018Larry L. Jackson
Undetermined Swimming CrabCharybdis species 1Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0019Larry L. Jackson
Golden Wentletrap & eggsEpidendrium billeeanum - the snail's proboscis is feeding inside a polyp.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0020Larry L. Jackson
Blue DragonPteraeolidia semperiWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0022Larry L. Jackson
Rosy Spindle CowriePhenacovolva roseaWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0024Larry L. Jackson
Hard CoralAcropora latistella - a very colorful colony.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0025Larry L. Jackson
Unknown TriplefinEnneapterygius speciesWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0029Larry L. Jackson
Violet GoniobranchusGoniobranchus conchyliataWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0030Larry L. Jackson
Spotted Porcelain Crab feedingNeopetrolisthes maculatus - chelipeds are catching particles for food. Also carrying eggs under abdomen carapace.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0032Larry L. Jackson
Pizza AnemoneCryptodendron adhaesivum - with Spotted Porcelain Crabs, Clark's Anemonefish & Three-spot Dascyllus around this very hot Anemone.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0036Larry L. Jackson
Sapsucking SlugElysia marginataWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0037Larry L. Jackson
Brown Margin GlossodorisGlossodoris rufomarginata - smaller individual behind the big one.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0045Larry L. Jackson
White Mantle GlossodorisGlossodoris pallidaWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0046Larry L. Jackson
White Mantle Glossodoris egg ribbonGlossodoris pallida - due to proximity to the nudibranch.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0048Larry L. Jackson
Beautiful HypselodorisHypselodoris pulchellaWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0049Larry L. Jackson
Harlequin ShrimpHymenocera elegans - beautiful little shrimp that feeds on sea stars.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061526#0051Larry L. Jackson
Harlequin ShrimpHymenocera elegans - the shrimp paralyzes the sea star in order to feed for a while.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0058Larry L. Jackson
Sea FanDichotella speciesWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0062Larry L. Jackson
Redmouth GrouperAethaloperca rogaa - prettier coloration.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0065Larry L. Jackson
Semicircle Angelfish subadultPomacanthus semicirculatusWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0074Larry L. Jackson
Unknown Phyllidia & Largemouth TriplefinsPhyllidia cf elegans & Ucla xenogrammusWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0076Larry L. Jackson
Glorious FlatwormPseudobiceros gloriosusWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0079Larry L. Jackson
Philippine Damsel juvenilePomacentrus philippinusWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0085Larry L. Jackson
Freckled Frogfish variationAntennarius coccineusWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0088Larry L. Jackson
Similar DamselsPomacentrus similisWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0094Larry L. Jackson
Andaman DamselsPomacentrus alleniWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0097Larry L. Jackson
Blue-ringed AngelfishPomacanthus annularisWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0106Larry L. Jackson
Delicate Sea AnemoneRadianthus malu - best guess id.Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0112Larry L. Jackson
Undescribed FlatwormPseudoceros species 13Western Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061527#0115Larry L. Jackson
Spotfin LionfishPterois antennataWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061528#0117Larry L. Jackson
Harlequin ShrimpHymenocera elegansWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061528#0121Larry L. Jackson
Daisy CoralAlveopora tizardiWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061528#0123Larry L. Jackson
Halloween Hermit CrabCiliopagurus strigatusWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061528#0124Larry L. Jackson
Golden RabbitfishSiganus guttatusWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061528#0129Larry L. Jackson
Dusky SweeperPempheris adustaWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061528#0134Larry L. Jackson
Undescribed Cleaner ShrimpUrocardiella speciesWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061528#0135Larry L. Jackson
Unknown JellyWestern Rocky, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 8, 20061528#0144Larry L. Jackson