Peacock-tail Anemone ShrimpPericlimenes brevicarpalis - big white bump on the left side of the shrimp is a Bopyrid Isopod.Mainit, Batangas, Philippines, April 17, 20051387#0033Larry L. Jackson
Hearth Heart UrchinMaretia planulata - still has a lot of sand after emerging from under the sand.Mainit, Batangas, Philippines, April 17, 20051387#0034Larry L. Jackson
Tubed SiphonfishSiphamia tubifer - near their Astropyga radiata urchins in case they need shelter from predators.Mainit, Batangas, Philippines, April 17, 20051387#0035Larry L. Jackson
Magnum Sea CucumberNeothyonidium magnumMainit, Batangas, Philippines, April 17, 20051387#0036Larry L. Jackson
Ghost MelibeMelibe engeli - oral veil extended.Mainit, Batangas, Philippines, April 17, 20051387#0038Larry L. Jackson