Virgate RabbitfishSiganus virgatus - odd coloration.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, February 23, 20051356#0053Larry L. Jackson
Striped SurgeonfishAcanthurus lineatusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, February 23, 20051356#0060Larry L. Jackson
Black Longspine Sea UrchinsDiadema setosumRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, February 23, 20051357#0061Larry L. Jackson
Yellowtail ScadAtule mate - possibly feeding on the smaller fish.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, February 23, 20051357#0067Larry L. Jackson
Double-lined MackerelGrammatorcynus bilineatusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, February 23, 20051357#0068Larry L. Jackson
Yellowtail FusilierCaesio cuning - this population has a different coloration compared to the ones in the Indo-Pacific.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, February 23, 20051357#0071Larry L. Jackson
Spangled EmperorLethrinus nebulosusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, February 23, 20051357#0075Larry L. Jackson
Indian Vagabond ButterflyfishChaetodon decussatusRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, February 23, 20051357#0077Larry L. Jackson
Beaded Sea AnemoneHeteractis aurora - with three juvenile Sebae Anemonefish.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, February 23, 20051357#0079Larry L. Jackson
Indian LionfishPterois milesRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, February 23, 20051357#0082Larry L. Jackson
Undetermined Decorator CrabAchaeus speciesRichelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, February 23, 20051357#0085Larry L. Jackson
Timor WrasseHalichoeres timorensis - juvenile phase.Richelieu Rock, Andaman Sea, Thailand, February 23, 20051357#0089Larry L. Jackson