Dives 1319-1327

  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Acropora formosa
    near Turtle Bommie, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, December 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Porites lichen
    near Turtle Bommie, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, December 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bubble-tip Sea Anemones
    Bubble-tip Sea Anemones
    Entacmaea quadricolor - Red & Black Anemonefish are the common occupants of these clonal groupings of this particular anemone.
    near Turtle Bommie, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, December 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Table Coral
    Table Coral
    Acropora cytherea
    near Turtle Bommie, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, December 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • MV Undersea Explorer
    MV Undersea Explorer
    The last photo on the last dive of the GBR trip as I surfaced from the dive and headed for the ladder at the back of the boat.
    near Turtle Bommie, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, December 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
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