Bigfin Reef SquidSepioteuthis lessonianaNight, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041261#0015Larry L. Jackson
Undetermined Night ShrimpNight, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041261#0017Larry L. Jackson
Bigfin Reef SquidSepioteuthis lessonianaNight, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041261#0020Larry L. Jackson
Smooth ShrimpfishCentriscus cristatusNight, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041261#0022Larry L. Jackson
Ramose Sea HarePetalifera ramosaNight, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041261#0026Larry L. Jackson
Broadclub Cuttlefish juvenileSepia latimanusNight, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041261#0030Larry L. Jackson
Zebra-snout SeahorseHippocampus barbouriNight, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041261#0031Larry L. Jackson
Clear SundialArchitectonica perspectivaNight, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041261#0036Larry L. Jackson
Cockatoo WaspfishAblabys taenianotusNight, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041261#0037Larry L. Jackson
Unknown EelNight, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041261#0040Larry L. Jackson
Unknown EelNight, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041261#0041Larry L. Jackson
Dark Knee Hermit CrabDardanus lagopodes - lacking dark knees, but the eyes and spiky legs are descriptive.Night, Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041261#0043Larry L. Jackson