Ambanoro ShrimpgobyVanderhorstia ambanoroBunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 22, 20041258#0019Larry L. Jackson
Ambanoro ShrimpgobyVanderhorstia ambanoroBunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041258#0022Larry L. Jackson
Yellow-spotted BandfishAcanthocepola abbreviataBunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041258#0032Larry L. Jackson
Haddon's Carpet Anemone & Saddleback AnemonefishStichodactyla haddoni & Amphiprion polymnusBunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041258#0038Larry L. Jackson
Haddon's Carpet Anemone, Saddleback Anemonefish & Three-spot DascyllusStichodactyla haddoni & Amphiprion polymnus, Dascyllus trimaculatusBunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041258#0041Larry L. Jackson
Yellow-spotted BandfishAcanthocepola abbreviataBunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041259#0054Larry L. Jackson
Indian Feather Duster WormSabellastarte indicaBunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041259#0069Larry L. Jackson
Yellowmargin Triggerfish subadultPseudobalistes flavimarginatus - small enough to be skittish.Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041259#0072Larry L. Jackson
Emperor ShrimpPericlimenes imperator - on an undetermined Sea Cucumber.Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041259#0076Larry L. Jackson
Emperor ShrimpPericlimenes imperator - on an undetermined Sea Cucumber.Bunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041259#0080Larry L. Jackson
Clear Cleaner ShrimpUrocaridella antonbruuniiBunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041259#0088Larry L. Jackson
Chocolate Chip Sea StarProtoreaster nodosusBunama, MV Chertan, Normanby Island, Papua New Guinea, September 23, 20041259#0091Larry L. Jackson