Adelie PenguinPygoscelis adeliae - where is everybody?Antarctic Sound, Antarctic Peninsula, January 31, 20052005-01-31#0019Larry L. Jackson
AdeliePygoscelis adeliaeAntarctic Sound, Antarctic Peninsula, January 31, 20052005-01-31#0020Larry L. Jackson
Neko HarbourAndvord Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, February 2, 20052005-02-02#0001Larry L. Jackson
Neko HarbourAndvord Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, February 2, 20052005-02-02#0002Larry L. Jackson
Survival Hut & Southern Gentoo PenguinsPygoscelis papua ellsworthiNeko Harbour, Andvord Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, February 2, 20052005-02-02#0001Larry L. Jackson
GlacierNeko Harbour, Andvord Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, February 2, 20052005-02-02#0005Larry L. Jackson
Southern Gentoo PenguinsPygoscelis papua ellsworthi - After taking photos from the ship, going ashore for 45 minutes.Neko Harbour, Andvord Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, February 2, 20052005-02-02#0008Larry L. Jackson
MS Explorer II & Glacier FaceThe ship gives scale to the glacier face.Neko Harbour, Andvord Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, February 2, 20052005-02-02#0009Larry L. Jackson
Southern Gentoo PenguinsPygoscelis papua ellsworthi - tracks to and from the rocky top colony.Neko Harbour, Andvord Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, February 2, 20052005-02-02#0012Larry L. Jackson
LandingNeko Harbour, Andvord Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, February 2, 20052005-02-02#0012Larry L. Jackson
Neko HarborStanding on shore, whale blows in the bay are easily heard.Andvord Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, February 2, 20052005-02-02#0015Larry L. Jackson
Southern Gentoo PenguinPygoscelis papua ellsworthi - coming ashore from feeding.Neko Harbour, Andvord Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, February 2, 20052005-02-02#0016Larry L. Jackson