LeopardPanthera pardus, femaleSerengeti National Park, Tanzania, February 1, 20132013-02-01#3220Larry L. Jackson
Leopard & Olive BaboonPanthera pardus female & Papio anubis male - The male Baboon was willing to take on the Leopard to defend his troop.Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, February 1, 20132013-02-01#3233Larry L. Jackson
Leopard & Olive BaboonPanthera pardus female & Papio anubis male - the Leopard didn't seem too concerned about being chased even though the male Baboon is very dangerous.Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, February 1, 20132013-02-01#3235Larry L. Jackson
Leopard & Olive BaboonPanthera pardus female & Papio anubis male - the female Leopard stayed just ahead until the Baboon gave up the chase.Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, February 1, 20132013-02-01#3242Larry L. Jackson
Wild Date Palms & Sausage TreePhoenix reclinata & Kigelia africanaSerengeti National Park, Tanzania, February 1, 20132013-02-01#8310Larry L. Jackson
Leopard in Sycamore FigPanthera pardus in Ficus sycomorusSerengeti National Park, Tanzania, February 1, 20132013-02-01#8317Larry L. Jackson
Leopard in Sycamore FigPanthera pardusSerengeti National Park, Tanzania, February 1, 20132013-02-01#3260Larry L. Jackson
Sausage TreeKigelia africanaSerengeti National Park, Tanzania, February 2, 20132013-02-02#8320Larry L. Jackson
Grey-backed Fiscal ShrikeLanius excubitoroidesSerengeti National Park, Tanzania, February 2, 20132013-02-02#3270Larry L. Jackson
Black-bellied BustardEupodotis melanogaster, male displayingSerengeti National Park, Tanzania, February 2, 20132013-02-02#3272Larry L. Jackson
KopjeThese rock outcroppings fascinate me.Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, February 2, 20132013-02-02#8329Larry L. Jackson
Helmeted GuineafowlNumida meleagrisSerengeti National Park, Tanzania, February 2, 20132013-02-02#3292Larry L. Jackson