Satpura National Park, Madhya Pradesh

  • Passports, GVK Lounge
    Passports, GVK Lounge
    With a Christmas decoration on the table.
    Mumbai Airport, Maharashtra, India, December 28, 2016
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Pakistan
    Best guess based on flying time.
    Airplane View, BA 777-300, Mumbai to London, December 28, 2016
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Airplane View
    Airplane View
    Over Iran.
    BA 777-300, Mumbai to London, December 28, 2016
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Mount Damāvand
    Mount Damāvand
    I saw this big volcanic peak in the previous photo and took another photo zoomed in.
    Airplane View, BA 777-300, Mumbai to London, December 28, 2016
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ganesh with Nymphs
    Ganesh with Nymphs
    We bought this old, marble souvenir and had it shipped home.
    from Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India in San Angelo, TX, January 15, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson