Rock ArtRaudal Tepui, Raudal del Guayabero, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2713Larry L. Jackson
Rock ArtRaudal Tepui, Raudal del Guayabero, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2716Larry L. Jackson
Rock ArtRaudal Tepui, Raudal del Guayabero, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2719Larry L. Jackson
Rock ArtRaudal Tepui, Raudal del Guayabero, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2721Larry L. Jackson
Rock ArtRaudal Tepui, Raudal del Guayabero, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2726Larry L. Jackson
UnknownI can find no id for this.Raudal Tepui, Raudal del Guayabero, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2729Larry L. Jackson
UnknownRaudal Tepui, Raudal del Guayabero, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2730Larry L. Jackson
Bug DamageRaudal Tepui, Raudal del Guayabero, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2731Larry L. Jackson
Climbing VinePhilodendron brandtianumRaudal Tepui Trail, Raudal del Guayabero, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2734Larry L. Jackson
UnknownPossibly a type of ginger.Raudal Tepui Trail, Raudal del Guayabero, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2736Larry L. Jackson
Tree RunnerPlica plicaRaudal Tepui, Raudal del Guayabero, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2743Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FrogRaudal Tepui Trail, Raudal del Guayabero, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2745Larry L. Jackson
Alex & DebbiePuerto Lucas, Raudal del Guayabero, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2765Larry L. Jackson
Bocas del GuayaberoRaudal del Guayabero, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2773Larry L. Jackson
LunchBocas del Guayabero, Raudal del Guayabero, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2774Larry L. Jackson
Rio GuaviareOn our way back to San Jose del Guaviare.near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2776Larry L. Jackson
MarshWe had some nice birds in the marsh.Rio Guaviare Bridge, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2778Larry L. Jackson
Muriti PalmsMauritia flexuosanear San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2780Larry L. Jackson
Plumeria pudicaSan Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2782Larry L. Jackson
Ice Cream ShopLocal flavors.San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2783Larry L. Jackson
Street SceneWith overhanging trees and wires, this is a bit too tall for safety.San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2786Larry L. Jackson
Boney Fish Dinner,Way too many bones.Kakuri, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#2039Larry L. Jackson
KakuriWilmer & Felipe at this restaurant that was a disappointment.San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 6, 20242024-09-06#3522Larry L. Jackson
Bellaco CaspiHimatanthus sucuubanear San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#5726Larry L. Jackson
Common MallowMalva sylvestrisnear San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#5748Larry L. Jackson
Queen of PhilippinesMussaenda philippicaLaguna Los Cambulos, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2791Larry L. Jackson
Star of BethlehemHippobroma longifloraLaguna Los Cambulos, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2794Larry L. Jackson
Tropical White Morning GloryIpomoea albaLaguna Los Cambulos, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2797Larry L. Jackson
Laguna Los Cambulosnear San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2805Larry L. Jackson
Derelict HouseLaguna Los Cambulos, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2808Larry L. Jackson
HomeSome evidence that someone uses this place.Laguna Los Cambulos, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#5942Larry L. Jackson
HomeLaundry and other evidence of use.Laguna Los Cambulos, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#5945Larry L. Jackson
UnknownLaguna Los Cambulos, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#5947Larry L. Jackson
Horsehead GrasshopperPseudoproscopia scabraLaguna Los Cambulos, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#6031Larry L. Jackson
Band-winged DragonletErythrodiplax umbrataLaguna Los Cambulos, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#6036Larry L. Jackson
Turk's Cap MallowMalvaviscus penduliflorusLaguna Los Cambulos, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2812Larry L. Jackson
Queen of PhilippinesMussaenda philippica - growing around a big Euphorbia species.Laguna Los Cambulos, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2813Larry L. Jackson
Variegaed LariopeLariope muscari variegataLaguna Los Cambulos, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2815Larry L. Jackson
Spraying RiceInteresting manual spray rig.near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2819Larry L. Jackson
Imperial PalmRoystonea oleraceanear San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2820Larry L. Jackson
Domicillo'sLunchSan Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2451Larry L. Jackson
South American Squirrel MonkeySaimiri sciureusHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#6075Larry L. Jackson
South American Squirrel MonkeySaimiri sciureusHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#6080Larry L. Jackson
Ant NestTaking a long hike to the colorful river.Hel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2825Larry L. Jackson
Unknown CicadaI see photos of this cicada on the web, but no identification.Hel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2829Larry L. Jackson
Ray FernActinostachys intermediaHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2831Larry L. Jackson
PalmJust getting started.Hel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2834Larry L. Jackson
Clusia speciesHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2836Larry L. Jackson
UnkownLeaves suggest melastomataceae family.Hel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2837Larry L. Jackson
Termite NestHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2840Larry L. Jackson
CreekHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2841Larry L. Jackson
Black-winged SharpshooterOncometopia nigricans - very small type of leafhopper.Hel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#6097Larry L. Jackson
Kissing FlowerPsychotria elataHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2846Larry L. Jackson
Colorful StreamHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2851Larry L. Jackson
Colorful StreamHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2858Larry L. Jackson
Colorful StreamHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2861Larry L. Jackson
Colorful StreamHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2862Larry L. Jackson
Colorful StreamHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2867Larry L. Jackson
Colorful StreamHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2872Larry L. Jackson
Colorful StreamHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2882Larry L. Jackson
Slow Shutter FallsColorful Stream, Hel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2888Larry L. Jackson
Unknown PlantColorful Stream, Hel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2889Larry L. Jackson
BromeliadsColorful Stream, Hel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2890Larry L. Jackson
an Aquatic BladderwortUtricularia neottioidesColorful Stream, Hel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2899Larry L. Jackson
LichenColorful Stream, Hel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2901Larry L. Jackson
UnknownHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2904Larry L. Jackson
NestHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2906Larry L. Jackson
Timber BambooGuadua angustifoliaHel Embalse La Maria, near San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2911Larry L. Jackson
Colorful ChairsSan Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2913Larry L. Jackson
BoatsGuaviare River, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2914Larry L. Jackson
Dried FishSan Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2916Larry L. Jackson
Boat YardSan Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2919Larry L. Jackson
Metal for RecyclingGuaviare River, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2920Larry L. Jackson
Flood-prone AreaAdjacent to the river, this area periodically floods during the rains.San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2921Larry L. Jackson
BarsBig crowds on a Saturday afternoon.Guaviare River, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2922Larry L. Jackson
BoatsGuaviare River, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2926Larry L. Jackson
BoatsGuaviare River, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2927Larry L. Jackson
BoatGuaviare River, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2931Larry L. Jackson
SundownGuaviare River, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2934Larry L. Jackson
Sundown BoatsThe low sun is bringing the soft, orange colors.Guaviare River, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2937Larry L. Jackson
Rough ShelterGuaviare River, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2938Larry L. Jackson
SundownGuaviare River, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 7, 20242024-09-07#2942Larry L. Jackson
Room #504Clean, though small and sparsely outfitted.Quinto Nivel Boutique Hotel, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 8, 20242024-09-08#1542Larry L. Jackson
Room #504Quinto Nivel Boutique Hotel, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 8, 20242024-09-08#1606Larry L. Jackson
6th Floor ViewView from the breakfast locaton.Quinto Nivel Boutique Hotel, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 8, 20242024-09-08#3115Larry L. Jackson
LobbyBags down for our drive to Rancho Camana Nature Reserve at Restrepo.Quinto Nivel Boutique Hotel, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, September 8, 20242024-09-08#1824Larry L. Jackson
Oil PalmsDriving Photo - plantations reduce diversity.San Jose del Guaviare to Restrepo, Colombia, September 8, 20242024-09-08#2947Larry L. Jackson
Fuel StopSan Jose del Guaviare to Restrepo, Colombia, September 8, 20242024-09-08#2949Larry L. Jackson
HibiscusFuel Stop, San Jose del Guaviare to Restrepo, Colombia, September 8, 20242024-09-08#2956Larry L. Jackson
Sweet YucaManihot esculenta - also called cassava.Fuel Stop, San Jose del Guaviare to Restrepo, Colombia, September 8, 20242024-09-08#2959Larry L. Jackson
La TalanqueraLunch stop on the way to Restrepo.Acacias, Colombia, September 8, 20242024-09-08#0942Larry L. Jackson
LunchNicely seasoned, lean beef and sides.La Talanquera, Acacias, Colombia, September 8, 20242024-09-08#4548Larry L. Jackson
Ornate Titi MonkeyCallicebus ornatus, at extreme distance. Soon after arriving Rancho Camana NR we went out for wildlife.Restrepo, Colombia, September 8, 20242024-09-08#6106Larry L. Jackson
PastureI hoped to see a Giant Anteater in this sort of location.Camino Real Granja, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2967Larry L. Jackson
South American Squirrel MonkeySaimiri sciureusCamino Real Granja, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#6144Larry L. Jackson
RancherCamino Real Granja, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#6149Larry L. Jackson
Ornate Titi MonkeyCallicebus ornatusPrivate Reserve, Camino Real Granja, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#6153Larry L. Jackson
Ornate Titi MonkeysCallicebus ornatusPrivate Reserve, Camino Real Granja, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#6157Larry L. Jackson
Termite NestPrivate Reserve, Camino Real Granja, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2971Larry L. Jackson
Cacao PodsTheobroma cacaoPrivate Reserve, Camino Real Granja, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2972Larry L. Jackson
Debbie & NataliaPrivate Reserve, Camino Real Granja, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2974Larry L. Jackson
Columbian Leafcutter AntsAtta colombica - very common in these tropical areas.Private Reserve, Camino Real Granja, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2979Larry L. Jackson
Parrot's BeakHeliconia psittacorumPrivate Reserve, Camino Real Granja, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2983Larry L. Jackson
CollectiblesRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2984Larry L. Jackson
CollectiblesRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2985Larry L. Jackson
Shrimp PlantJusticia brandegeanaRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2986Larry L. Jackson
Blue Trumpet Vine flowersThunbergia grandifloraRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#6285Larry L. Jackson
Torch GingerEtlingera elatiorRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2987Larry L. Jackson
Brumback's Night MonkeysAotus brumbackiRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#6292Larry L. Jackson
Brumback's Night MonkeyAotus brumbackiRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#6305Larry L. Jackson
Brumback's Night MonkeyAotus brumbackiRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#6323Larry L. Jackson
Beehive GingerZingiber spectabileRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#6345Larry L. Jackson
Rose Apple flowersSyzygium jambosRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2989Larry L. Jackson
VerbenaRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2991Larry L. Jackson
VerbenaRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2992Larry L. Jackson
VerbenaRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#3000Larry L. Jackson
Torch GingerEtlingera elatiorRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2994Larry L. Jackson
Beehive GingerZingiber spectabileRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#6373Larry L. Jackson
Beehive Ginger flowerZingiber spectabileRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#6373Larry L. Jackson
Pink BananasMusa velutinaRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#2996Larry L. Jackson
Peruvian Wild PetuniaRuellia chartaceaRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#6416Larry L. Jackson
Night Blooming CereusEpiphyllum oxypetalumRestrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#3001Larry L. Jackson
EpiphytesFerns, bromeliads, mosses & succulents.Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#3004Larry L. Jackson
CopseOn our search for a Giant Anteater.Restrepo, Colombia, September 9, 20242024-09-09#3006Larry L. Jackson
Parrot's BeakHeliconia psittacorumRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3008Larry L. Jackson
Lipstick TreeBixa orellanaRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3009Larry L. Jackson
Beehive GingerZingiber spectabileRancho Camana Nature Reserve, Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3010Larry L. Jackson
Cascadeabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3012Larry L. Jackson
Wasp Nestabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#6546Larry L. Jackson
Wild PoinsettiaWarszewiczia coccineaabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3013Larry L. Jackson
Rough Pastureabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3014Larry L. Jackson
Tree on Rockabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3015Larry L. Jackson
Termite Nestabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3017Larry L. Jackson
Speartip Leafabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3021Larry L. Jackson
Creekabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3026Larry L. Jackson
Anthurium cf pfitzeriBest guess.above Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3028Larry L. Jackson
Large Leaf PhilodendronPhilodendron pastazanumabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3029Larry L. Jackson
Renault 'Duster'Our ride.above Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3032Larry L. Jackson
Motorcycle CartOnly two vehicles came by on this road.above Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3033Larry L. Jackson
Wasp NestLots of wasps on the outside.above Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#6754Larry L. Jackson
CloudSmall cloud being blown up the valley in very light wind.above Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3035Larry L. Jackson
Unknownabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3036Larry L. Jackson
ZebuBos indicus - the most commonly seen breed.above Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#6775Larry L. Jackson
CambuloErythrina poeppigianaabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3039Larry L. Jackson
CambuloErythrina poeppigianaabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3040Larry L. Jackson
CambuloErythrina poeppigianaabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#6784Larry L. Jackson
Cardinal AirplantTillandsia fasciculata - best guess.above Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#6787Larry L. Jackson
Unknown Leavesabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3041Larry L. Jackson
Anthurium cf pfitzeriBest guess.above Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#3043Larry L. Jackson
Anthuriumabove Restrepo, Colombia, September 10, 20242024-09-10#6791Larry L. Jackson