American AlligatorAlligator mississippiensisLake Apopka Wildlife Drive, Florida, March 4, 20222022-03-04#6540Larry L. Jackson
Great Egret & eggEgretta alba - the presence of alligators affords some protection for a lot of nesting birds.Gatorland, Orlando, Florida, March 4, 20222022-03-04#0022Larry L. Jackson
American AlligatorAlligator mississippiensisGatorland, Orlando, Florida, March 4, 20222022-03-04#6558Larry L. Jackson
American AlligatorsAlligator mississippiensis - two massive alligators.Gatorland, Orlando, Florida, March 4, 20222022-03-04#6559Larry L. Jackson
Snowy EgretEgretta thula - good fishing spot with a lot of small fish often seen around the alligators.Gatorland, Orlando, Florida, March 4, 20222022-03-04#0030Larry L. Jackson
Snowy EgretEgretta thulaGatorland, Orlando, Florida, March 4, 20222022-03-04#0035Larry L. Jackson
Snowy EgretsEgretta thulaGatorland, Orlando, Florida, March 4, 20222022-03-04#0041Larry L. Jackson
American AlligatorsAlligator mississippiensis - a large number of big, fat alligators and some Black Vultures.Gatorland, Orlando, Florida, March 4, 20222022-03-04#6571Larry L. Jackson
Great EgretEgretta alba - nice breeding plumage that nearly drove the bird to extinction. The breeding feathers were popular for women's hats many years ago.Gatorland, Orlando, Florida, March 4, 20222022-03-04#6582Larry L. Jackson
Great EgretEgretta albaGatorland, Orlando, Florida, March 4, 20222022-03-04#6592Larry L. Jackson
Great EgretEgretta albaGatorland, Orlando, Florida, March 4, 20222022-03-04#6618Larry L. Jackson
Tricolored HeronEgretta tricolorGatorland, Orlando, Florida, March 4, 20222022-03-04#0053Larry L. Jackson