ViewPart of this very large ranch.Estancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, May 1, 20232023-05-01#8976Larry L. Jackson
View & Puma VehicleNaun on the ridge looking for Puma.Estancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, May 1, 20232023-05-01#8978Larry L. Jackson
Guanaco WallowEstancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, May 1, 20232023-05-01#8979Larry L. Jackson
PondEstancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, May 1, 20232023-05-01#1255Larry L. Jackson
White HorsesA big gust moving across the lake.Lago Sarmiento, Estancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, May 1, 20232023-05-01#1262Larry L. Jackson
MountainRocky peaks.Estancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, May 1, 20232023-05-01#1263Larry L. Jackson
GuanacosLama guanicoeEstancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, May 1, 20232023-05-01#1268Larry L. Jackson
GuanacosLama guanicoeEstancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, May 1, 20232023-05-01#1282Larry L. Jackson
White HorsesWind was 40 to 50 mph, rocking our vehicle when we parked on high points.Lago Sarmiento, Estancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, May 1, 20232023-05-01#1283Larry L. Jackson
Lago GoicEstancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, May 1, 20232023-05-01#3419Larry L. Jackson
Puma, 21Puma concolor concolor - only having seen two Puma at extreme distance in the morning, we thought that was it for the day until Naun spotted number 21.Estancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, May 1, 20232023-05-01#1291Larry L. Jackson
Puma, 21Puma concolor concolor - we walked around and tracked this Puma for more than an hour until light failed.Estancia Goic, Torres del Paine, Chile, May 1, 20232023-05-01#1332Larry L. Jackson