Napo Wildlife Center, Amazon
Black Caiman
Melanosuchus niger - blind in the left eye, but a long time resident of the lake.
Lake Anangu, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, March 15, 2009
Larry L. Jackson
Spotted Sandpiper
Actitis macularia
Anangu Interpretation Center, Napo Wildlife Center, Ecuador, March 16, 2009
Larry L. Jackson
Mealy Amazons
Amazona farinosa
Clay Lick #1, Napo River, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, March 16, 2009
Larry L. Jackson
Mealy Amazons, Blue-headed Parrots & White-eyed Parakeets
The clay helps with digestion.
Clay Lick #1, Napo River, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, March 16, 2009
Larry L. Jackson
Mealy Amazons, Blue-headed Parrots & White-eyed Parakeets
Clay Lick #1, Napo River, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, March 16, 2009
Larry L. Jackson