Black-browed Albatross & chickThalassarche melanophris melanophrisNew Island North Nature Reserve, Falkland Islands, December 31, 20082008-12-31#2044Larry L. Jackson
Magellanic PenquinSpheniscus magellanicusNew Island North Nature Reserve, Falkland Islands, December 31, 20082008-12-31#2055Larry L. Jackson
Magellanic PenquinSpheniscus magellanicusNew Island North Nature Reserve, Falkland Islands, December 31, 20082008-12-31#2063Larry L. Jackson
Napier's HillWestpoint Island, Falkland Islands, January 1, 20092009-01-01#0031Larry L. Jackson
LandingThe only 'dry' landing in the Falklands.Westpoint Island, Falkland Islands, January 1, 20092009-01-01#0001Larry L. Jackson
Napier's HouseWestpoint Island, Falkland Islands, January 1, 20092009-01-01#0003Larry L. Jackson
European GorseUlex europaeus - introduced with hay from Great Britain.Westpoint Island, Falkland Islands, January 1, 20092009-01-01#0007Larry L. Jackson
Devil's Nose RookeryWestpoint Island, Falkland Islands, January 1, 20092009-01-01#0011Larry L. Jackson
Devil's Nose RookeryPhotographers at the top of a rocky next area.Westpoint Island, Falkland Islands, January 1, 20092009-01-01#0014Larry L. Jackson
Ron, Debbie and DebbieAnother cold day in the South Atlantic islands.Devil's Nose Rookery, Westpoint Island, Falkland Islands, January 1, 20092009-01-01#0016Larry L. Jackson
Rockhopper PenguinsEudyptes chrysocome chrysocome - bathing in a freshwater stream.Devil's Nose Rookery, Westpoint Island, Falkland Islands, January 1, 20092009-01-01#0018Larry L. Jackson
TussacPoa flabellataDevil's Nose Rookery, Westpoint Island, Falkland Islands, January 1, 20092009-01-01#0029Larry L. Jackson