Bicolor ChromisChromis margaritifer - hiding in Pocillopora eydouxi.Bacan Maregarango, Bacan, Indonesia, March 11, 20232345#7660Larry L. Jackson
Leopard FlounderBothus pantherinus - there was a lot of suspended material in the water column, making photography difficult.Panambuan Muck, Bacan, Indonesia, March 11, 20232346#7665Larry L. Jackson
Leopard FlounderBothus pantherinusPanambuan Muck, Bacan, Indonesia, March 11, 20232346#7667Larry L. Jackson
Netted MiamiraMiamira sinuataPanambuan Muck, Bacan, Indonesia, March 11, 20232346#7671Larry L. Jackson
Daisy CoralGoniopora stokesiPanambuan Muck, Bacan, Indonesia, March 11, 20232346#7676Larry L. Jackson
Hydroid, Tunicate & SpongeThe hydroid has a powerful sting.Panambuan Muck, Bacan, Indonesia, March 11, 20232346#7679Larry L. Jackson
Gabriela's TambjaTambja gabrielaePanambuan Muck, Bacan, Indonesia, March 11, 20232346#7680Larry L. Jackson
White-eyed MorayGymnothorax thyrsoideus - unusual to see the moray completely out during the day.Panambuan Muck, Bacan, Indonesia, March 11, 20232346#7682Larry L. Jackson
Tiger MantisLysiosquilla maculata - a fish spearing Mantis Shrimp.Panambuan Muck, Bacan, Indonesia, March 11, 20232346#7685Larry L. Jackson
Pinkfish Sea CucumberHolothuria edulisPanambuan Muck, Bacan, Indonesia, March 11, 20232346#7688Larry L. Jackson
Comb-JelliesCoeloplana astericola - on every arm of the Sea Star.Panambuan Muck, Bacan, Indonesia, March 11, 20232346#7689Larry L. Jackson
Comb-JelliesCoeloplana astericola - this Sea Star is heavily covered, though there doesn't seem to be an ill effect.Panambuan Muck, Bacan, Indonesia, March 11, 20232346#7690Larry L. Jackson