Lettuce CoralPectinia lactuca - angelfish taking a look at me on this, the first dive of the trip.Matan, Sorong, West Papua, Indonesia, March 6, 20232333#7058Larry L. Jackson
Leaking Underwater HousingAs I took this photo of a Beaded Sea Anemone, I noticed water in the port and aborted the dive to save the camera and lens (successfully).Matan, Sorong, West Papua, Indonesia, March 6, 20232333#7062Larry L. Jackson
Sea FanMuricella speciesAndiamo, Daram, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, March 7, 20232334#7063Larry L. Jackson
Doublebanded SoapfishDipoprion bifasciatumAndiamo, Daram, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, March 7, 20232334#7066Larry L. Jackson
Soft CoralSinularia speciesAndiamo, Daram, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, March 7, 20232334#7067Larry L. Jackson