Dives 2245 - 2258

  • Striated Frogfish
    Striated Frogfish
    Antennarius striatus - first of the three juvenile Striated Frogfish seen on this dive.
    Si-am Sim, Batangas, Philippines, April 23, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Sea Hare
    Unknown Sea Hare
    Si-am Sim, Batangas, Philippines, April 23, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ambon Scorpionfish
    Ambon Scorpionfish
    Pteroidichthys amboinensis - the female of the pair seen on this dive.
    Si-am Sim, Batangas, Philippines, April 23, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Gurnard Lionfish
    Gurnard Lionfish
    Parapterois hetururus - the first of several on this dive.
    Si-am Sim, Batangas, Philippines, April 23, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ambon Scorpionfish
    Ambon Scorpionfish
    Pteroidichthys amboinensis - I think this is the male.
    Si-am Sim, Batangas, Philippines, April 23, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Caltrop Murex
    Caltrop Murex
    Murex tribulus - the foot can be seen as it crawls on the substrate.
    Si-am Sim, Batangas, Philippines, April 23, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ghost Melibe
    Ghost Melibe
    Melibe engeli
    Si-am Sim, Batangas, Philippines, April 23, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Slantbar Shrimpgoby & Tiger Snapping Shrimp
    Slantbar Shrimpgoby & Tiger Snapping Shrimp
    Amblyeleotris diagonalis & Alpheus bellulus
    Si-am Sim, Batangas, Philippines, April 23, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Gurnard Lionfish
    Gurnard Lionfish
    Parapterois hetururus - two showing the contrast between inner and outer fin coloration.
    Si-am Sim, Batangas, Philippines, April 23, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Red Frog Spanner Crab
    Red Frog Spanner Crab
    Ranina ranina - Peri got this Spanner Crab out of the sand and kept it up long enough for some photos. It digs into the sand very fast leaving only the eyes showing.
    Si-am Sim, Batangas, Philippines, April 23, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Carnation Coral
    Carnation Coral
    Dendronephthya specie
    Si-am Sim, Batangas, Philippines, April 23, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Freckled Sea Hare & two shrimp
    Freckled Sea Hare & two shrimp
    Aplysia parvula - The hitchhiking shrimp are transparent, only visible with a close look.
    Si-am Sim, Batangas, Philippines, April 23, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Mushroom Coral Reticulidia
    Mushroom Coral Reticulidia
    Reticulidia fungia
    Agahota, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • White-spotted Goniobranchus
    White-spotted Goniobranchus
    Goniobranchus albopunctata
    Agahota, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Lisa's Mantis
    Lisa's Mantis
    Lysiosquillina lisa
    Agahota, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Lemon Damsel
    Lemon Damsel
    Pomacentrus moluccensis
    Agahota, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Mushroom Coral Shrimp
    Mushroom Coral Shrimp
    Periclimenes kororensis
    Mini Log, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • White's Hypselodoris
    White's Hypselodoris
    Hypselodoris whitei
    Mini Log, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Flatworm
    Unknown Flatworm
    Mini Log, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Orange Hermit Crab
    Orange Hermit Crab
    Pseudopaguristes kuekenthali
    Mini Log, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Dwarf Cuttlefish
    Dwarf Cuttlefish
    Sepia bandensis
    Mini Log, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Dwarf Cuttlefish
    Dwarf Cuttlefish
    Sepia bandensis - instant color change when it moved.
    Mini Log, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Emma's Hypselodoris
    Emma's Hypselodoris
    Hypselodoris emma
    Mini Log, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ornate Ghost Pipefish
    Ornate Ghost Pipefish
    Solenostomus paradoxus - female.
    Mini Log, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Philippine Damsel
    Philippine Damsel
    Pomacentrus philippinus - juvenile.
    Mini Log, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Coleman's Melibe
    Coleman's Melibe
    Melibe colemani
    Arthur's, Batangas, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Coleman's Melibe
    Coleman's Melibe
    Melibe colemani
    Arthur's, Batangas, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Leopard Crinoid Shrimp
    Leopard Crinoid Shrimp
    Laomenes pardus
    Arthur's, Batangas, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Undescribed Ceratosoma
    Undescribed Ceratosoma
    Ceratosoma species - best guess that this is a juvenile of Ceratosoma tenue.
    Arthur's, Batangas, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Warty Sea Star & Sea Star Comb Jellies
    Warty Sea Star & Sea Star Comb Jellies
    Echinaster callosus & Coeloplana astericola - looking closely, you can see the many feeding tentacles of the comb jellies.
    Arthur's, Batangas, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Yellow-edged Lyretail
    Yellow-edged Lyretail
    Variola louti - a very nice looking grouper.
    Arthur's, Batangas, Philippines, April 24, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Carnation Coral
    Carnation Coral
    Dendronephthya species
    Pastels, Lintea Atoll, Indonesia, May 3, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Pacific Sailfin Tang
    Pacific Sailfin Tang
    Zebrasoma velifer - often juveniles like this are more colorful than the adults.
    Vatican, Pasar Wajo, Buton Island, Indonesia, May 6, 2017
    Larry L. Jackson