Reef StonefishSynanceia verrucosaCaban Cove, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 14, 20172226#3484Larry L. Jackson
Delicate Tube WormsFilogranella elatensis - colonies can get larger than 12 inches.Caban Cove, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 14, 20172227#3494Larry L. Jackson
Yellowbarred JawfishOpistognathus randalli - male with eggs near release development.Caban Cove, Maricaban Island, Philippines, April 14, 20172227#3509Larry L. Jackson
Redtooth TriggerfishOdonus niger - fish at this protected site are often fed and are easy to approach.Cathedral, Batangas, Philippines, April 14, 20172228#3513Larry L. Jackson
Josh's ChromodorisChromodoris joshiCathedral, Batangas, Philippines, April 14, 20172228#3517Larry L. Jackson
Wirenet FilefishCantherhines pardalisCathedral, Batangas, Philippines, April 14, 20172228#3520Larry L. Jackson
Tryon's HypselodorisHypselodoris tryoniCathedral, Batangas, Philippines, April 14, 20172228#3521Larry L. Jackson
Beaded & Corkscrew Sea AnemonesHeteractis aurora & Macrodactyla doreensis - a bit unusual to see two different species living next to each other.Cathedral, Batangas, Philippines, April 14, 20172228#3524Larry L. Jackson
Undescribed VerconiaVerconia species 5Cathedral, Batangas, Philippines, April 14, 20172228#3527Larry L. Jackson
Mermaid's WineglassAcetabularia majorMainit Muck, Batangas, Philippines, April 15, 20172229#3532Larry L. Jackson
Brook's Urchin ShrimpAllopontonia brooki - found under the edge of Variable Fire Urchins.Mainit Muck, Batangas, Philippines, April 15, 20172229#3536Larry L. Jackson
Lyretail HawkfishCyprinocirrhites polyactis - usually found around 80 feet deep or more.Mainit Muck, Batangas, Philippines, April 15, 20172229#3539Larry L. Jackson