Dives 1858 - 1867

  • Brushtail Tang
    Brushtail Tang
    Zebrasoma scopas - juvenile.
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Warty Mesh Sea Star
    Warty Mesh Sea Star
    Nardoa tuberculata
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Eight-banded Butterflyfish
    Eight-banded Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon octofasciatus
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Scrawled Filefish
    Scrawled Filefish
    Aluterus scriptus
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • White Damsel
    White Damsel
    Dischistodus perspicillatus
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blue Coral Melibe
    Blue Coral Melibe
    Melibe coralophila - removed from deep in coral for the photo.
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Jewelled Blenny
    Jewelled Blenny
    Salarius fasciatus
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Mandarinfish
    Synchiropus splendidus
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Threespot Squirrelfish
    Threespot Squirrelfish
    Sargocentron cornutum
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sixstripe Wrasse
    Sixstripe Wrasse
    Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Crosshatch Butterflyfish
    Crosshatch Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon xanthurus
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bolland's Hypselodoris
    Bolland's Hypselodoris
    Hypselodoris bollandi
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Coral Marble Shrimp
    Coral Marble Shrimp
    Saron neglectus
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bluesided Fairy Wrasses
    Bluesided Fairy Wrasses
    Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura - terminal phase with several intermediate phase and other.
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bluesided Fairy Wrasse
    Bluesided Fairy Wrasse
    Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura - terminal phase.
    Dary Laut, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 21, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Disc Anemones
    Disc Anemones
    Discosoma species
    Aphol Point, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 22, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bennett's Feather Stars
    Bennett's Feather Stars
    Oxycomanthus bennetti
    Aphol Point, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 22, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Cigar Wrasse
    Cigar Wrasse
    Cheilio inermis - terminal phase variation.
    Aphol Point, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 22, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Rolland's Damsel
    Rolland's Damsel
    Chrysiptera rollandi
    Aphol Point, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 22, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Hard Coral
    Unknown Hard Coral
    I have no idea which coral this is, but definitely hard skeleton.
    Aphol Point, Maricaban Island, Batangas, Philippines, April 22, 2008
    Larry L. Jackson