Pineapple Sea CucumberThelenota ananasNortheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071736#0001Larry L. Jackson
Starry Dragonet femaleSynchiropus stellatusNortheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071736#0007Larry L. Jackson
Andaman DamselPomacentrus alleniNortheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071736#0011Larry L. Jackson
Koehler's AldisaAldisa erwinkoehleriNortheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071736#0012Larry L. Jackson
Three-spot AngelfishApolemichthys trimaculatusNortheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071736#0016Larry L. Jackson
Latticed Sandperch femaleParapercis clathrataNortheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071736#0020Larry L. Jackson
Spottail DartfishPtereleotris heteropteraNortheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071736#0021Larry L. Jackson
Sri Lankan PhyllidiellaPhyllidiella zeylanicaNortheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071736#0023Larry L. Jackson
Noduled Sea StarFromia nodosa - a particularly nice looking specimen.Southeast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071737#0026Larry L. Jackson
Flagtail TriggerfishSufflamen chrysopterumSoutheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071737#0028Larry L. Jackson
Aurora ShrimpgobyAmblyeleotris auroraSoutheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071737#0031Larry L. Jackson
Yellowfin Pygmy AngelfishCentropyge flavipectoralisSoutheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071737#0037Larry L. Jackson
Emperor Angelfish juvenilePomacanthus imperatorSoutheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071737#0039Larry L. Jackson
Golden SweepersParapriacanthus ransonneti - with a few Anthias.Southeast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071737#0040Larry L. Jackson
Reticulated Sandperch eating TobyParapercis tetracantha - tail first is probably a harder way to swallow the Toby.Southeast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071737#0045Larry L. Jackson
White Collar ButterflyfishChaetodon collareSoutheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071737#0047Larry L. Jackson
Indian Vagabond ButterflyfishChaetodon decussatusSoutheast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071737#0050Larry L. Jackson
Indian Sea StarFromia indica - one of the color varieties.Southeast Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071737#0051Larry L. Jackson
Fluted Giant ClamTridacna squamosaNorthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071738#0052Larry L. Jackson
Orange-spotted Trevally variationCarangoides bajadNorthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071738#0054Larry L. Jackson
Starry Dragonet femaleSynchiropus stellatusNorthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071738#0057Larry L. Jackson
Gardiner's Headshield SlugPhilinopsis gardineriNorthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071738#0060Larry L. Jackson
Oriental SweetlipsPlectorhinchus vittatusNorthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071738#0062Larry L. Jackson
Oriental SweetlipsPlectorhinchus vittatusNorthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071738#0069Larry L. Jackson
Giant MorayGymnothorax javanicusNorthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071738#0064Larry L. Jackson
Cuming's Sea StarNeoferdina cumingi - unusually colorful.Northwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071738#0072Larry L. Jackson
Flame AnthiasPseudanthias ignitusNorthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071738#0073Larry L. Jackson
Pixy Hawkfish variationCirrhitichthys oxycephalusNorthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071738#0077Larry L. Jackson
Redlip Parrotfish terminal phaseScarus rubroviolaceusNorthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071738#0079Larry L. Jackson
Wedgetail TriggerfishRhinecanthus rectangulusNorthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071738#0090Larry L. Jackson
Yellowback FusilierCaesio xanthonotaSouthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0095Larry L. Jackson
Bluefin TrevallyCaranx melampygusSouthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0097Larry L. Jackson
Giant GrouperEpinephelus lanceolatus - about 6 feet long, this fish was massive.Southwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0099Larry L. Jackson
Undescribed Polyclad FlatwormThysanozoon species 1Southwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0100Larry L. Jackson
White Collar ButterflyfishChaetodon collareSouthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0104Larry L. Jackson
Crescent-tail BigeyePriacanthus hamrurSouthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0106Larry L. Jackson
Andaman SweetlipsPlectorhinchus macrospilusSouthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0110Larry L. Jackson
Indian Sailfin TangZebrasoma desjardinii - I wish the fins had been extended for a nicer photo.Southwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0112Larry L. Jackson
Gosliner's FlatwormPseudoceros goslineri - the sponge background makes the photo nicer.Southwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0114Larry L. Jackson
Gosliner's FlatwormPseudoceros goslineriSouthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0120Larry L. Jackson
Golden WentletrapEpidendrium billeeanum - depositing eggs near the coral polyps they will feed on when they hatch.Southwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0122Larry L. Jackson
Glen's GoniobranchusGoniobranchus glenieiSouthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0125Larry L. Jackson
Gosliner's FlatwormPseudoceros goslineriSouthwest Point, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 12, 20071739#0129Larry L. Jackson
Fish RockJust off Passage Island, we dived this rock once on the first cruise and once on the second cruise with a lot of open water fish.Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 13, 20072007-02-13#0002Larry L. Jackson
Barred UnicornfishNaso thynnoidesFish Rock, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 13, 20071740#0010Larry L. Jackson
Sleek UnicornfishNaso hexacanthusFish Rock, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 13, 20071740#0012Larry L. Jackson
Dogtooth TunaGymnosarda unicolorFish Rock, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 13, 20071740#0013Larry L. Jackson
Ring Wrasse intermediate phaseHologymnosus annulatusFish Rock, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 13, 20071741#0029Larry L. Jackson
Sleek Unicornfish nuptialNaso hexacanthusFish Rock, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 13, 20071741#0032Larry L. Jackson
Yellow-faced ButterflyfishChaetodon xanthocephalusFish Rock, Passage Island, Andaman Islands, India, February 13, 20071741#0035Larry L. Jackson