Soft CoralScleronephthya speciesFanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 23, 20061568#0002Larry L. Jackson
Soft CoralDendronephthya speciesFanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 23, 20061568#0005Larry L. Jackson
Tasseled ScorpionfishScorpaenopsis oxycephala - coloration matching the coralline algae.Fanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 23, 20061568#0006Larry L. Jackson
White-eyed MoraysGymnothorax thyrsoideusFanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 23, 20061568#0009Larry L. Jackson
Bali Fire AnemoneMegalactis hemprichii - several Squat Shrimp around the anemone.Fanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 23, 20061568#0010Larry L. Jackson
Dancing ShrimpRhynchocinetes durbanensisFanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 23, 20061568#0013Larry L. Jackson
Unknown Worms in Hard CoralMontipora aequituberculataFanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 23, 20061568#0014Larry L. Jackson
Coral Grouper juvenileCephalopholis miniataFanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 23, 20061568#0016Larry L. Jackson
Broadclub Cuttlefish laying eggsSepia latimanus - the male hovers protectively over the female while she places eggs into crevices.Fanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 23, 20061568#0019Larry L. Jackson
Diana's HogfishBodianus diana - terminal phase.Fanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 23, 20061568#0021Larry L. Jackson
Day OctopusOctopus cyaneaFanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 23, 20061568#0023Larry L. Jackson
Indian Surge DamselChrysiptera brownriggiiFanforest Pinnacle, Andaman Sea, Myanmar, January 23, 20061568#0025Larry L. Jackson