Dives 1296-1300

  • Swollen Phyllidia
    Swollen Phyllidia
    Phyllidia varicosa
    End Bommie, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blue-spot Butterflyfish
    Blue-spot Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon plebeius
    End Bommie, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Lacy Scorpionfish
    Lacy Scorpionfish
    Rhinopias aphanes #10 - fifth Rhinopias of the trip.
    End Bommie, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Lacy Scorpionfish
    Lacy Scorpionfish
    Rhinopias aphanes #10
    End Bommie, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Lacy Scorpionfish
    Lacy Scorpionfish
    Rhinopias aphanes #10 - the last thing a small prey item sees before being sucked in.
    End Bommie, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Brown-banded Bamboo Shark Egg
    Brown-banded Bamboo Shark Egg
    Chiloscyllium punctatum
    End Bommie, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Lace Coral
    Lace Coral
    Distichopora species
    End Bommie, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Sponge
    Unknown Sponge
    Intensely colored encrusting sponge not seen in any searches.
    End Bommie, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Coral
    Hard Coral
    Acropora formosa
    End Bommie, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Corals
    Hard Corals
    Acropora formosa & grandis
    End Bommie, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hard Corals
    Hard Corals
    Acropora anthocercis
    End Bommie, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Watson's Sea Star
    Watson's Sea Star
    Gomophia watsoni
    End Bommie, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Squarespot Anthias female
    Squarespot Anthias female
    Pseudanthias pleurotaenia
    MV Pai II, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Squarespot Anthias female
    Squarespot Anthias female
    Pseudanthias pleurotaenia
    MV Pai II, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Squarespot Anthias female
    Squarespot Anthias female
    Pseudanthias pleurotaenia
    MV Pai II, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Redstripe Anthias
    Redstripe Anthias
    Pseudanthias gibbosis - female.
    MV Pai II, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Redstripe Anthias
    Redstripe Anthias
    Pseudanthias gibbosis - male with the distinctive long caudal lobes.
    MV Pai II, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Redstripe Anthias
    Redstripe Anthias
    Pseudanthias gibbosis - male.
    MV Pai II, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Emma's Hypselodoris
    Emma's Hypselodoris
    Hypselodoris emma
    MV Pai II, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Indian Caloria
    Indian Caloria
    Caloria indica
    MV Pai II, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 5, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Multipore Sea Star
    Multipore Sea Star
    Linckia multiflora
    The Pinnacles, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 6, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Soft Coral
    Soft Coral
    Alcyonium species
    The Pinnacles, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 6, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Pineapple Coral
    Pineapple Coral
    Blastomussa merleti
    The Pinnacles, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 6, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Finger Coral
    Finger Coral
    Seriatopora hystrix
    The Pinnacles, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 6, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Soft Coral
    Soft Coral
    Klyxum species
    The Pinnacles, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 6, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Undescribed Brittle Star
    Undescribed Brittle Star
    Ophiothrix species 2
    The Pinnacles, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 6, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Heffernan's Sea Star
    Heffernan's Sea Star
    Celerina heffernani
    The Pinnacles, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 6, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Very Spiny Feather Star
    Very Spiny Feather Star
    Colobometra perspinosa
    The Pinnacles, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 6, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Lacy Scorpionfish
    Lacy Scorpionfish
    Rhinopias aphanes #11 - sixth Rhinopias of the trip.
    The Pinnacles, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 6, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Lacy Scorpionfish
    Lacy Scorpionfish
    Rhinopias aphanes #11
    The Pinnacles, Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea, October 6, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson